
Car insurance help???

by  |  earlier

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Ok so, I don't have a car and I'm not insured on my parents vehicles. I'm going to be taking a small trip that is six hours away from me and I really don't feel like taking the bus, train or plane to where I'm going. So I was wondering if there is such a thing as getting insured on a vehicle for like a week??? Because I really want to drive to where I'm going and I cant afford to be added on my parents insurance for a few months. any ideas???




  1. if you are renting the car, most major rental companies offer insurance per day, or whatever the length of your contract is. easiest way to deal with this subject.

  2. I've done that. But you have to pay in full and then get reimbursed the pro-rated amount when you cancel the policy.  

  3. Great design, resourceful information,user-friendly layout should be a good place to answer your questions.

  4. perhaps here they'll do it


  5. the above is WRONG!  if you live in your parents home and are not listed as a driver on their policy, you are NOT covered!  in fact, just the opposite.  the company can deny the claim for not disclosing household licensed drivers.  now, if you borrow a FRIENDS car that you do not live with, their policy would cover you as long as you used the car with permission and you are licensed.

  6. Cars are insured, not drivers so if you have a valid drivers license and permission to drive an insured car, you will be covered.  Are you absolutely sure you are not covered on your parents cars?  If you live in their household and unless you have been specifically excluded from their insurance, you may be covered and not know it because by law, the insurance company must cover any household member with a drivers license

  7. not that i've heard of
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