
Car insurance help?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so im about to turn 16. my parents said they would get me a car, but only if i paid my own insurance. can u please tell me how much it would be a month. and what company would be the lowest price. i dont know if u need this info but. im 16. white ( someone told me it matters?), i live in florida (palm beach county), and the car will probably be an audi a4. thanks for help




  1. There is no absolutely answer for your question.However,explorer the information here will give you some ideas.HOpe it helps.

  2. Dude, you better get three jobs. Insurance for the A4 is really high and being a new driver your rates are going to be looney-tunes expensive. Keep a spotless driving record and your rates will drop every year (minor decrease) until you hit age 23 -- then they fall like a stone.

  3. You can try this company - - I personally have their car insurance. As I know they have cheapest insurance policies for teens and first time drivers.

  4. There are a whole bunch of different factors that go into a rate, we can't just pull a number out of a hat.

    Your best bet is to call a local agent and have them shop around for you.

  5. it will be high because u r a new driver. the cheapest i found is erie insurance. alsi if it is a 2 dr car matters. will u have full coverage ( i would reccomend that). male or female also matters.

  6. If you are 16 and male... insurance companies will lump you into the high risk category until you reach around 21 and then 25.

    The age/type of car and the coverage you get will be the next factors. The newer, more expensive/valuble the vehicle is will increase your premiums (how much you pay for coverage) also a sports car will add to your risk.  Young people + fast cars = dead people

    You should call some insurance companies for quotes, and ask if you can be on your parents policy, that may reduce the premium. Ask about drivers education discount, good student discounts.

    A smaller pickup truck (without 4x4) may be a more economical choice to consider regarding insurance. Check for more info on insurance and coverage. There are tons of websites that can do quotes online suchas as progressive and esurance. Good luck.

  7. I recommend you locate a local car insurance agent to help. Since I live in District Of Columbia I can't recommend anyone in Florida, but here is an resource that can help you.
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