
Carb-Free Meals....

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A week before my wedding, i want to limit the amount of carbs i have in my diet, as i've noticed it makes me really bloated (not a good look for a wedding abroad!)

Any breakfast, lunch and dinner options??? Any one got any meal suggestions??





  1. Congratulations on your wedding day.

    Carb-free is not a good idea and is actually not healthy.  Fainting brides on their big day also does not look good.  Just try and limit bread etc but rather eat rice and potatoes - a jacket potato with a low fat filling and plenty of salads is fine.  Cous cous is also fine.

    Ideally you should include in all meals Carbs, Protein, Vegetable matter.

    You may be suffering from a reaction to wheat.  Or nerves.

    You must eat regularly, whether you want to or not to keep your blood sugars steady so that you can continue to organise your day and still feel healthy.  If you skip meals, or cut out carbs totally your body will start to suffer because your blood sugars will drop too low.  Then your brain starts to malfunction and your energy levels drop dramatically making everything that much harder.

  2. Breakfast could be bacon and eggs. Lunch maybe a chicken salad and for dinner a mushroom and sweetcorn omlette with salad and sugar free jelly for dessert with cream. Fill up on fresh fruit and nuts when you are hungry. Good luck for your big day! Check out this link for some more ideas -
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