
Career as an airline pilot?

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i wanna be an airline pilot:

whats schooling do i need?

how much is flight lessons for a multi engine jet aircraft? (737-A340)

Is college 100% nessacary?

What is the best airline in the u.s to be a pilo for?




  1. i would advise not to do this. There are ten times more pilots than pilot jobs so the chance of you landing a job on a major airline is almost nothing.  All pilots need a bachelors in something now.  Embry riddle is an aeronatuical university thats very expensive but will help.  You will be in outrageous debt after getting your commerical license with no gurantee of a job.  You have to learn to fly cessna's which run about 115 an hour.  You have to get flight insurance and all kinds of things.  Unless mommy and daddy have lots of money i would stay away from this field.  Sorry to dissapoint you.

  2. do take flying lessons BUT get an education in something other than being a pilot because you never know what the future will bring.  I was grounded for medical reasons but I still have a career in avaiation because I had a degree in another field.  

    Actually being grounded was the best thing that could have happened because I made more doing my job than I did as a pilot they get paid jack to start and even less until you can work your way up the flight deck.

  3. Don't do it.  Trust me on this.  Go to college and get a degree in law or medicine or something.  Then you can make enough to buy a nice airplane and a house to go with it.  

    getting lessons in a 737 would probably cost you about five thousand dollars an hour.  I would suggest you start in something a bit smaller.  The best airline today will not be the best by the time you are ready.

    OH, and this question gets asked about three times a day.  Take a look at the other answers, and then see if you still want to give it a try.

  4. First, a college degree is not 100% neccessary, but almost 100% required. It is possible to get a job without one, but not very likely. Employers use this as a screening tool to sort out resumes. With that said, it doesnt matter what the degree is in, as long as you have the flight time and ratings.

    Second, it you start off in a small trainer a/c like a C-172, or similiar type. Then you go to a small twin like a Piper Semionle, or Beetch Dutchess. You will almost never get Mutli-engine training say in  B-737 without alot of flight hrs in regional jets/turboprops. Most of that training for large jets  is done in Level D sims due to the cost per flight hour and it is the employers that will pay and conduct this training.

    The usual route (other than miltiary) is

    PPC- C-172 or similar

    Instrument- C-172

    Commerical- C-172 Skyhawk or any a/c with retractable gear and constant speed prop.

    Commerical Multi- Piper Semooile or equailvant

    CFI- C-172 Skyhawk

    Build hrs instrucing in a c-172

    Get hired by Regional, flying right seat in a Saab 340, or a CRJ or similar size turbine powered aircraft.

    Get upgraded to Capt for that regional.

    Get a few years and lots of hours, upgrade to majors  or corporate flight department.

    Get type-rated in large transport cat. a/c.

    Get laid off- rehired-laid off... (repeat)

    Turn 65- retire of go to management.

    The most sought after airline is UPS and FedEx as they fly very large tubine a/c and offer more job security because the freight demand is not as cyclical as the ups and downs of passenger travel that is based on the economy.

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