
Career path in teaching

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I want to be a teacher, my mom was a teacher for 20 years and I have always loved the idea. I am starting college in the fall but i'm confused on what I want to do. I love english and kind of want to be a middle or high school english teacher.. but then i also am thinking of being an elementary school teacher because i love kids. :] I'm not sure which is a better choice, i'm very torn! What is the difference between the 2 with classes i will have to take? when can i actually start working at a school after i start school?




  1. For now, concentrate on getting an English degree. With that degree, you can teach middle/high school english or elementary after you earn a teaching credential. Once you get your B.A. you will need to decide what level you'd like to teach so you can enroll in the proper teaching credential program. That's four years away so, in the meantime, volunteer in classrooms at all three levels to see what you like the best.

    If you decide on elementary, you will have to get a multiple subjects credential. Basically, any four year B.A/B.S. will do plus 1 to 1 1/2 years to earn a multiple subjects credential.

    If you decide on middle/high school, you'll have to earn a single subject credential (in your case, English due to your English B.A).

    Good luck!  

  2. I was in the same position and I chose Elementary education.  I realized that teaching students who were actually interested in learning was more rewarding than teaching a subject that I loved.  

  3. Consider that you will probably find a job more easily if you get an English degree and get certified to teach secondary.  I also believe that it is easier in most states to get certified to teach elementary if you already have an English degree than to try to get go for Elementary education and then try to teach high school.  

    You school may require you to spend time in the classroom, which will help you decide.  You have a lot of time to decide, so don't worry too much!  Your classes will help you decide and you can change majors without adding much time in your first year or two.

  4. I've taught just about every grade.  Each one has its pluses and minuses.  I enjoyed teaching high school when I was single because I had time to spend with the kids in their extracurricular activities.  I coached cheerleading, took stats at basketball games, etc.  You can really get to know the kids.

    When I got married I went into the elementary school because my husband thought it would be easier.  NOT!!!  No, there aren't as many things to do at night, but the teaching during the day is more physically demanding.  They usually aren't self starters, nor can you say "read the chapter and answer the questions at the end."  

    In Georgia, if you get your elementary degree, they have you in schools in real classes from the very first.  My granddaughter just got her degree and she had been in every grade K - 5.  She pretty much knew what she wanted to teach before she signed her contract.

    My suggestion to you is to go to schools, sit in with a teacher.  If you "volunteer" to help some of your former teachers, that would help them AND let you see what it is really like.  Only you can make the decision as to what grade suits you best.  Another one of my granddaughters, at 4'11", teaches senior English!  That's not what I thought she would do, but she loves it!  :)

    Good luck!  

    33rd year in the classroom!

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