
Cartilage piercing advice!?

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I've been wanting to get my top ear done for a while now and I just want to know the obvious from someone that has this - how much does it hurt? Is it best to get it done with a needle or a gun? And what are the chances of infection/cartilage shattering? Thanks!




  1. it doesnt hurt when i got it i got a lil dizzy but no it doesnt hurt at all

  2. get the gun !! people are saying not to but it's quicker and if you go to Claire's they use a brand new plastic gun :] ( i didn't know that so that makes it even m ore sanitary ) it doesn;t hurt .. but you feel it it's kinda hard to explain but i feel that since i worked the pain up so much it wasn't that bad .. it's jut a quick pinch not painful but you feeel it.. that's all i know lol just got it done yesterday

  3. It is called your helix.

    On a scale of 1-10(10 being the worst) I give it about a 6 or 7.

    The actual piercing is not bad at all it is the pain after that hurts.

    NEEDLE!  never get it done with a gun, if you get it done with a needle the chances of your cartilage shattering is zero.  The chances of you getting an infection are less as well.

    Guns harbor bacteria and can cause infection, and the forced caused by forcing a blunt object into your ear can shatter your cartilage.

    So needle all the way.

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