
Cat Became Angry?

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Today I went to the vet with my mom and when we had to check his temperature he hissed and screamed really loud. After a while of debating where to give him just the shots he came back with the shots taken and the Vet came back with his hands bitten and bleeding. My cat was in the caridge and still hissing. Right now cat feels depressed. One more thing I forgot to mention I think he dose not like to be touched in the tummy which by the way is hanging and is this normal for a cat to be this angry to be touched in the tummy and had taken shots?




  1. yeah it's normal, you'd act the same way if you were just betrayed by your parents and violated with a thermometer and stuck with needles. lol, he'll get over it after a bit. give him a little space and he'll be fine.

  2. My mother took her cat to the vet to be declawed a few years back. Normally, the vet or his assistants will remove the bandages on the paws before you take the cat home. Well, my mother's cat is so mean that they told her SHE was going to have to take the bandages off! I couldn't believe it; they were such sissies!

    Most (but not all) cats dislike being touched in the stomach. The cat's probably just tired from all the commotion, not depressed. He'll be fine in a couple of days.

  3. Your cat will come around. Just give him some peace and quiet away from every thing.

    Your cat just had to deal with whole new surroundings along with new smells and noises....not to mention having a stranger stick a needle in him. I still haven't come across a cat that will sit peacefully as you stick him with a needle!  lol

    Like I said, he'll come around...just give him some time and space.

  4. Not only did your cat get his temp taken by a total stranger, but he poked him with a needle too !

    Here's the thing...

    The vets office is full of all kinds of different smells...Dogs, cats, cats that haven't been fixed...Get the idea ?


    Please don't worry so much...Your vet is used to it...He didn't take it personal at all.. :-)
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