
Cat Questions??.....

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can cats (like 3 y.o.) eat real people food and can they drink milk cuz i heard milk gives a cat diarreha? thx 4 the help




  1.    I have been told everything the first person said BUT also know a family that do only feed their cats table scraps. The cats are in very good health. As to giving them 2 six yr. old cats refuse to drink milk.

  2. The general agreement on this board is cat should not be fed human food, mainly because a cat has a very different diet from humans. However, occasionally, it won't harm the cat if you give it a little human food in the form of wholesome meat like chicken breast.

    Tuna and fish are a favorite but be very careful because Tuna is very appetizing and your cat might develop a taste for it and nothing else. Tuna also does not contain significant amounts of vitamin E, for example, so too much of the fish can lead to vitamin E deficiency, resulting in yellow fat disease, or steatitis. Fish also contains some level or mercury and careful consideration should be used before feeding your cats. Tuna and fish should never be used as a staple of your cat's diet.

    Some plain scramble eggs (no seasoning and salt) is fine, pureed pumpkin (fresh pumpkin not canned) is recommended to be given to cats who has loose stools.

    Some cats love luncheon meats, ham, sausages and hot dogs but refrain from feeding those due to their high sodium level.

    Most cats are lactose intolerant but if your cat does fine with dairy, you can offer some diluted warm milk with water, plain yogurt, and once in a while, a good old slice of cheese. Any amount of dairy in large quantity is bound to upset the cat's delicate digestive system.

    Vegetables, although is not harmful, provides little benefits. But cats can eat them but make sure they are cooked and not raw because cooking breaks down complex carbohydrates into simple carbohydrates and aids digestion. If you are feeding too much vegetable matter, or not cooking it enough, it will show up as constipation or diarrhea.

    Some cats love melons - watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe. Fruits contain primarily simple carbohydrates and need not be cooked.

    Like vegetables, be moderate and beware of intestinal distress.

    Most cats are lactose intolerant. They lack the essential enzyme to properly digest lactose in cow's milk. If you have to give your cat milk, you can always buy cat milk (lactose reduce milk) like Catsip or Whiskas Cat Milk.

    Just be very careful when feeding your cat human food. As a precaution, it is best to avoid the best you can. Cat really doesn't need any extras if they are already eating a balanced and nutritionally superior food, in the form on wet cat food.

  3. Never give a cat or dog cow's milk. There are cat milk treats available at most pet supply stores though. Feed your cat a high quality cat food. Most human food contains preservatives and grains that cats don't need and can make them fat or sick.

  4. yea i have 5 cats and if u give them milk they will have diarrhea. and with the real human food it depends. we sometimes give then turkey, chiken, just meat and they are fine. but if its like a sause or noodle or something im sure it can up set ther stomach! hope i helped! <3

  5. Many cats LOVE people food and milk.  Many humans LOVE ice cream and soda.  Either species trying to live off of their favorite snacks, though, is dumb.

    Generally speaking, cats can't digest cow's milk too well.  Giving them large amounts, especially types that are higher in milkfats, just means that large amounts of liquid will make it through their systems undigested.  Resulting in diarrhea or other intestinal upsets.  Dairy-flavored treats or even kitten milk can be bought at a pet store.  Just realize that treats and kitten milk are extremely high in fat and should be given sparingly and rarely for your cat's health.

    People food isn't a great idea for cats.  The main reasons are what's in people food and what's NOT in people food.  Cats have different nutritional requirements from humans.  For example, they need taurine in the their diets, which is a compound partially responsible for eye health in cats.  Human food (and dog food, for that matter) doesn't provide taurine that cats need.  On the other hand human foods can contain things like onion and garlic and other plants that are actually TOXIC to cats.  Comparatively speaking, cats have very poor livers that do not filter toxins out of their bodies as well as humans' do.  Thus, they shouldn't be allowed to regularly consume harsh plant or food matter.

    Feed your cat a high-quality cat food.  If you still insist on feeding your cat human food (as a rare treat only!), give only very small amounts and NEVER feed your cat on your table.  This can encourage pesky behavior problems in your cat.  Make sure it knows that it is only allowed to eat food in its dish, and not off of people plates.
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