
Cat and Dog in one home ?

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i have a cat who is realyl shy and is scared of birds ! aha, have you ever taken in a puppy/dog when you had a cat ? is this a good idea ?

anything will help , thanks !




  1. yeah i have a cat and 3 dogs together

    just let the cat see the dog for like 5 mins a day and take it slow you dont wanna scare the cat.

  2. It depends on the nature of the two animals. If you take a very mean and big dog to go with that cat, that will be the end of your cat. Try getting a small sized, very young and a friendly puppy, that might help. You know, when cats and dogs grow together from their young ages, they become very friendly. Of course you must let them mix together before they start getting used to their own life style. If both your cat and your dog is very young and very friendly, you can put them together. My Grand Mother used to have a cat and a dog at her place and they even drank and ate from one plate. The cat used to sleep on the dog's embrace and they even protected each other.

  3. I've had my cat for 6 years now.  In that time we've brought home 3 different puppies.  At first he hates them!  But once he gets used to them they get along just fine.  We just brought home a puppy a couple weeks ago and the cat and puppy fight a little, but they are getting used to each other and have started playing already.  It really depends on the temperment of your dog and the temperment of your cat.

  4. depends on the breed of dog, and the training it has had - eg. does it know "LEAVE IT" command

    also if the cat is scared and runs or hisses it will be more of a target.

    so I wouldnt suggest it unless you get a very gentle breed of dog - like a retreiver..

    for sure DO NOT get a Terrier or herding breed (Border Collie) as they will chase the cat

    never get from a pet store.. always check local shelters or private homes first.. make sure the dog has been around cats and is good with them

  5. I have had dogs and cats living together in the same house. Once you let them know that the new member (cat or dog) is a part of the family, they will eventualy accept it and in most cases after a lengthly co-existence, will actualy miss the other when it is gone.

  6. they get along after a while of bickering and chewing each others not mix fishes with racoons though (BAD IDEA!!!)

  7. please dont do it.

    I did this and as a result my cat died.

  8. i have had many cats and dogs my whole life, at the moment 3 dogs and 8 cats! normally they just dont even bother eachother, sometimes the dogs chase the cats just for fun, but have never hurt them.

    If you adopt a cat or dog they normally have info for you about how it gets along with others.

    I have only had one dog that didnt get along with my cats. we adopted her from the humain society and she literally drug my dad (240lbs) across our yard trying to kill our cats. so if they tell you they dont get along with

  9. My aunt and uncle have had two dogs and two cats living in the same house.  They didn't bother eachother, but it seemed like the cats didn't come out much anytime I was over.  They may have been afraid of the dogs but I really just think they weren't very personable.  The whole cat and dog fighting thing is a stereotype - but still keep a close eye on them if you decide to have both.  If you get your dog young you'll probably be okay.

  10. Probably best to get a puppy, that way he grows up with the cat. Some dogs can be very agressive towards cats.  

  11. well.. it just depends on i mean if they dont get along the cat will swat it a few times and the dog will know to stay away from it.. and maybe when it gets out of its puppy stage they will get along. or they could get along from the get-go.

  12. I've always wanted a dog, but we have cat's as well! I searched for half a year in all the pounds/Dog centre's that I knew, and I finally came across a beautiful, Collie X {Just what we wanted} and we took him for loads of walks and we just had to judge how he'd be with cats {Does he chase other dogs? Does he chase rabbits?} We even walked him around the cat enclosure and he did nothing!

    We brought him home and our two old cats were a bit confused at first but so was the dog....a few weeks later: They're happy to be in the same room!

    It can be done! With the right dog of course =D

  13. We have a black lab and a DSH cat. When they first met the dog charged the cat and got a claw in the eye for his efforts. Since then they take turns stalking each other around the house. When we walk the dog the cat trots along under his belly. The two of them now groom each other. The dogs ears have never been cleaner and the cat no longer has willnots (Eww and Ugh!). The two of them sleep together and hunt mice together. The only thing they do not share is food and bathrooms. Life is good. And they and I would not have it any other way.

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