
Cat emergency help!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so my cat hasnt been eating much and just sleeping and then jsut now i saw she has this green stuff in her mouth and idk wat it is..its growing i think! does anyone noe what this is?




  1. Ditto and ditto. To the vet, NOW. That could be serious.  

  2. well, hopefully you are at the vet now so all will be good.

  3. Probably a rotten tooth- cats can't eat very well with bad teeth- like humans- do you feed her dry food- if so then she really won't eat- she probably has an infection if it is affecting her appetite- get wet food and then call the vet - most dry and wet foods contain grains and this food rotts their teeth (contrary to popular belief)  Vet won't tell you this cause they make sooo much money on teath cleanings and diet related diseases in cats- change her food- ( if you are not already

    feeding her wet)- and go to the vet- look up "species appropriate feline diet" or "natural feline diet"-  

  4. You should take the cat to the vet immediately.  

  5. we don't know.  we didn't go to veterinary school.  please take your cat to the vet immediately.

  6. You need to take her to vets preety quick!!!.
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