
Cat just got nuetered?

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My kitten just got neutered on Tuesday. Is it okay for him to be running around now? We've kept him in the cage until today. He's really hyper. Should we keep him in the cage a little bit longer, or is it okay to let him out now?




  1. Let him out of the cage. He didn't need to be cooped up as long as he is an indoor cat. He can heal perfectly well just living normally in the home.

    He has pent-up energy that may seem like he is mean. Play with him and work out his aggressions. In a few more days he will be better than normal minus those troublesome testicles ;-))

  2. He should be perfectly fine to run around.  Male cats generally feel fine as soon as the anethesia wears off after their surgery, especially when they're still kittens.  It's no where near as invasive as when another animal, such as a dog, gets neutered.  In fact, when I worked as a veterinary assistant most male kittens acted like nothing even happened to them just minutes after waking up, and I never had anyone come in or call with complications after neutering a male kitten.  

    The mean thing is just your cat's way of expressing to you that he was probably not happy about being at the vet, and being in a kennel.  Cats can be very "expresive" when they don't like something, but he should get over it quickly and get back to his normal personality.

  3. Consult your vet. Did they not give you any after care instructions? He SHOULD NOT be running around, typically when a cat is neutered he is not given sutures where the B@!!$ were removed so it is an open wound! AKA very prone to infection, for this reason your cat should stay in a kennel or confined area for up to 2 wks depending on how fast your pet can heal and YOU giving him the proper meds. ON TIME EVERY TIME!! **remember that is major surgery**

    p.s. you're little guy just needs some TLC and i'm sure his aggression will subside

  4. Your kitten is fine they only do as much as they can handle but for future reference you shouldn't leave them in a cage after getting fixed just let them do as they please.

    Both my cats got a little mean but they go back to normal after a little while

  5. It is probably ok...

    Make sure to put some lemon juice (a drop or two) in his water to protect him from crystals...

    Make sure his food is the one that is good for urinary tract health too

  6. Our cat was fine after a couple days, but he did have a couple "accidents' around the house. I don't know if he had a problem controlling his bowels or was getting back at us.

  7. He's probably stressed out.  I've had a lot of cats and had them neutered.  You didn't have to keep in a cage.  He would have been fine just hanging around.  He's probably stressed from from being confined for so long.  Let him out.  The only thing you have to watch out for when animals get fixed is them l*****g their stitches.  

  8. He should be fine, if he is in pain or discomfort he will take it easy.  Males cats being neutered isn't a very big surgery and the incision is not very large either.  He is just hyper from being cooped up, and from being a kitten in general.  The meanness may be a result of being in pain, the stress of being at the vets, and the change in his routine. Give him a few days to return to normal, and within a month or two the hormones should have left his system and he will be a typical neutered male cat!  Just make sure his 'area' stays clean and free of any cat litter and he will be just fine - cats heal very quickly.

  9. He's fine. No need to keep him in cage. In fact why did you keep him in a cage in teh first place? If he has stitches, make sure he doesn't l**k them too much. If he hasn't, just check that his wound shows no apparent problem. As for being mean, what did you expect after you caged him? He needs to put that tension away. He'll be fine, leave him alone just keep him indoors.
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