
Cat question Cat Question

by  |  earlier

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If you have a male and felmale cat born from the same mother, can they have kittens together, or not?




  1. They can, but it's definitely NOT recommended. It runs the same risks as if you produced a baby with a sibling.

  2. yes,they can,and its not a good idea as the babies can be terribly deformed.....

  3. lol.

  4. Yes but the babies can turn out to be deformed. I think this can happen with humans as well.

  5. Yes they can but because they are from the same litter the kittens would have birth defects. But they would mate when they are mature enough to. So I strongly suggest you neuter them all. The mother could also mate with a mature cat of her litter also. But there would be birth defects also.

  6. YES!!!  I even got a kitten once that was from the same situation and he had 6 toes on each front paw.  We called him Stealer.  

  7. haha yes.. don't you know the royal family was built that way?  god what's wrong with incest.. i don't get people.. the royals do it.. common.. they're right too.. i don't all you people hate them.. i respect an incest built nation over another any day of the week.. :)  kidding

  8. Oh yes they can. I saved 2 cats, male and female, brother and sister from being put down at the humane society. By the time they go to be 6 months old, bro was always trying to mount his sister. So, back to the humane society they went to get fixed. Problem solved.......

  9. if you had s*x with your brother would you get pregnent

    if so thears your answer

  10. They can, but the kittens may have defects. It's best to get them spayed and neutered to prevent this.

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