
Cat question (explain what this means)

by Guest63272  |  earlier

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long story short...I took in a female friend of mine cat, she had 2, her man doesn't like cats but compromised to have one..etc. The cat is cool, he's all black, about 20 lbs easy..he is turning out to be a cool dude.

anyway I've noticed he does this alot. I work then college late. I get home and toss my bookbag on the ground......he settles himself on it almost instantly after we hold our meow conversation and i'm shutting down for the night.

same thing with my gym bag from training. If I don't have class I go to boxing and when I get home I take my gloves out..toss the bag on the floor...and he settles himself on the bag.......what the h**l is this cat trying to tell me? STAY HOME?

does he like my bags? They are both black and so is he. what is it? He likes laying on my stuff basically. Next thing he'll be in my car or at my job or something.




  1. haha my cat does the same thing. she's all black but a baby. she lays on all my school papers, backpack, purse...anything that's mine and even if it looks horribly uncomfortable for her to lay on! i think they just want to lay on it just because it's your's, if that makes sense? haha i think its cute though!

  2. lol... he just likes lying on them.... each time you bring home ur bag it is packed with different scents.... non like the day before so yes... he just likes hanging out on ur things... which is cool as long as you have a sticky roll brush at hand!  :0)

  3. Sounds to me like he's saying "Take me with you next time!"

  4. The cats are attracted by they're owners smell. Don't u know that?

  5. Probably just missed you.  

  6. LOL it's nothing to worry about. My cat does the same thing. I think they just like the comfort of it. Also, one of my cats LOVES boxes. Anytime something comes in the mail in a box or we get something big that comes in a box if it's un opened, she lay ON TOP of the box and if it's opened she'll lay inside it.

  7. Your bags have your smell on them. He's laying on them because they smell like you.

  8. cats do that all the time!  My clothes especially.  It really could be that the cat loves your scent too!  Bags are very good and have texture so they can rub there face and maybe even scratch on.  It kinda feels like a brush.  Plus cats like warmth....if your bookbag was in the car it's most likely warm.

  9. <LOL>  You got it!  If he's snuggling into your bags, and NOT peeing on them, it says, I'm glad your home, I like your scent, I like you, and sitting on things with your scent make me happy,

    If he does seem lonely other ways too, consider getting a second cat. Two are NOT much more work than one.  It's especially a good idea if you live alone and also are gone a lot.

    Good luck!  Hug the cat.

  10. He likes bags! And, he is glad to see you.  My cats always land on my kids' backpacks and my husband's briefcase, computer bag, etc.

    Cats always love the smell of the people they like, so they like people "stuff" to sleep on.

    Good Luck and you are a good person to take in that "cool dude"!

  11. My kitten does that. He just lays on my shirts when I put it down or something. I think it's cute. Your cat maybe scenting you stuff to stay that you belong to him that's why he lays on your stuff. My cat does it too. He likes you.

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