
Cat under the porch.?

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"NOEL" did not follow her usual routine last night. She is usually home before the sun goes down. I waited up until about 3:00 A.M. and no cat. I saw her running across the field this morning but she went directly under the front porch and won't come out. When we approach she just stares at us. She doesn't call out or respond in any way. She just sits there. She does not appear to be damaged in any way. Even the dog can't coax her out.

Should we go in and get her or just let her be until she's ready to come out on her own?




  1. try leaving food outside and see if she comes and if she does grab he, but if she dosent just let her be and she will comeout eventually.

  2. I believe your cat has had a terrifying experience and simply needs to relax and deal with it.  Felines will do this occasionally.  Just leave her alone and when she gets hungry enough she will come out and ask to be let in to eat.

  3. let her be

  4. let her stay there if that's where she wants to be

    the only thing you should do is make sure she always has food and water and put it somewhere close to her so she doesn't think you're trying to lure her out

  5. she is scared, once my cat was in the backyard and our fence was down and our neighbours dog ran after my cat and he ran up into the closet and stayed there for 4 hours. just leave out some food water /treats for her and she should come out soon.

  6. go get her, she might be hurt.

    be careful, if she is hurt, shill bite if you touch the sore spot.

    injured, sick and scared cats will hide.

  7. just wait a lil if that doesnt work then take  action and try to get her out
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