
Cat vaccination reaction

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I took my cat to the vet yesterday for his annual exam (complete with vaccinations) and today he has been just lying around all interest in food or running around like he usually does. Has anyone else experienced this?




  1. Yes, it's quite common.  I no longer vaccinate my cats as I feel only the basic kitten series is necessary.  When I took my foster kitten for her third FVRCP shot she ran a fever for two days.

    If you feel you must vaccinate your cat in the future make sure he gets only ONE type at a time.  It is worth making an extra trip for a different type of vaccine so that the cat's system is not overloading all at once.

    It's usually not something to worry about as your cat should be back to normal within 24 hours.

  2. Yes many people have and worse. If your cat had kitten vaccinations, that is enough!

    There is no proof that boosters extend the life of the vaccine and may actually shorten the duration. They can also kill or cause major helth problems. I recommend the first set of vaccines for kittens and that is it.

    I find these stats unreal

    and another

  3. Yes that's a common reaction to vaccines.  Your cat will be back to normal soon.

  4. I have not personally but I have heard the next 24 hours they may not feel well... if he doesn't feel better by tomorrow it wont hurt to call the VET and check in tell them whats happening!! GOOD LUCK!  

  5. This may happen sometimes.  If it doesn't clear up by tomorrow, call your vet (at least) and try to get an appointment.  Vaccine reactions do include lethargy, as well as excessive thirst or drooling.

  6. I completely agree with old cat lady.  If you really want him to have them insist they are given individually.  The amount given when they are combined can be a lot for their systems.  My one cat reacts just fine like nothing happened, my other one...takes at least 2 days to bounce back.  This year she will not be getting vaccinated, but she does have the heart worm test.

    I want to add though, mine are strictly indoor cats.

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