
Catalytic convertor exposed HELP!

by  |  earlier

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my '97 ford taurus has been pulling codes for the catalytic convertor therefore i inspected the catalytic convertor and to my suprise it seemed as though the bottom sheid (the one closest to the ground) had come off. no where to be found just gone. and the honey comb like wiring was torn (almost looked like someone at shoved a metal rod through it. the hole was a roundish shape) is this bad??? what should i do??




  1. My guess is that someone drove over something that punctured it. You need to replace it with another one. new not used. Check with muffler shops. The dealerships are going to be insanely expensive. The muffler shops can put replacements on that are much cheaper.

  2. yu have to replace it.

  3. cut that sumbitch out and straight pipe it

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