
Cats being separated?

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Lets say you separate 2 cats who have lived together for a long time, do you think they would ever remember each other again lets say after a year of being apart you reunite them, do you reckon their relationship would ever return to how it used to be? Im not going to try this out of course but have always wondered about this.




  1. why you not try with two pigs first  

  2. cats are always very selfish...... if you give him milk, he will close his eyes and drink all. after drinking he want know who you are till next meal

  3. A couple of years ago i had two old cats die on me and went to replace them with two others. I got one cat easily,he was homeless and so came home with me. i then found an ad on the web about a woman up the road wanting to re-home a 3yr old cat and her 8month old daughter. I could really only afford one other cat so i took the three year old as i thought the kitten would then be easier for the woman to re-home.

    To cut a long story short a year later i found the woman still had the younger cat(my cats kitten), i was now better off financially so ask could I take her and reunite her with her mother. The woman said yeas as she still had 8 of her own but she said not to expect them to remember each other, so i didn't expect anything. I brought home the young cat and reintroduced the two. At first they kept smelling one and other but sat apart for about a week but since the first week had past the two are now inseparableble and the very first cat I got (not related to them) is very much excluded.

    So do they remember their related? I don't know they never said but they are the closest two cats I have ever seen in my life and I have owned a lot of cats.

      Sorry for rambling, I just like telling that story. Good Luck Bye

  4. Of course they will remember each other! They're relationship maybe the same depending on how they've grown! I had two was 2 years and the other was 1....they were away from each other for about a year in a half...when they reunited, they played they fought, and then they started sleeping together! Its just like never forget the people who you grew up with!

  5. I believe ALL animals, including man..will remember anyone that was significant in their lives.  
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