
Cats eyes?!?!?!?!?!?

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My little 8 year old white persian kitty has nasty eyes like the insides are full of uck and all I know to do is keep cleaning them and that's all I have been doing...any medicines or something to help clean them up and keep them clean?




  1. i would take your kitty to the vet ,simple drops or a cream should stop the infection. please don't put any kind of shampoo in kittys eyes it not nice when we get it in ours, at least we can wash it out quickly.saline [sterile salt water] dribbled in the eye and wipe [each time with a clean cotton bud] may help the infection but until you know what your dealing with it hard to say.

  2. I like Angel eyes myself for eye cleaning:

    If you dislike the idea of using a special products, or don't want to spend hte money, there are other methods too.

    I use this one when I run out of Angel Eyes.

  3. Your cat needs to see a vet for some eye salve and/or antibiotics.  Only a vet can determine the cause and recommend treatment. It could be viral, bacterial, or both and course of treatment differs. Have the vet examine your cat so you can start immediate treatment. Letting it go will only make it worse with worse prognosis for recovery.

  4. I agree with the answers from Pretty Kitty and Spakkat - do take your kitty to the vet or even a vet drugstore and ask for advise.

    You might want to look at:



  5. You can use water and baby shampoo to clean the eyes. Or you can put a teabag in a warm cup of water and dip cotton balls in that to clean the eyes. Make sure to use a separate piece of cotton for each eye so it doesn't get worse. He may have an eye infection, you could try massaging apple-cider vinegar into the back of his neck for a few days to see if it clears up. Check out for more info.  
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