
Cats meow???

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My cat has this thing about meowing at night right when everyone goes to bed. Its this deep alomst sick meow but he acts fine. Any ideas?




  1. One of my cats does the same thing.  It is because he is lonely and he wants your attention.  Get him another cat.  My cats sleep together and that calms the night meower down.

  2. he might be afrade of the dark

  3. I have 2 cats and they do a similar thing. In the calm part of night when everyone is going to sleep my cats are more caring and loving. So yes, many are right he/she wants attention and he doesn't know how to get it. My cat did that until they were old enough to jump on the bed and now they sleep with me every night. Show her more love and pay more attention to her and that disturbance will be gone and you will be closer to your pet.

  4. Ahh,my uncles cat always does that.



    i think ur cat is hungry.

  5. Females do that when they are in heat so he might be calling to a female. They mostly do that stuff at night. Neutering him might stop the problem.

  6. hey it...i do that every night..just to p**s off my owners...of course they dont feed me and dont change my litter box...but we cats have to stick together...besides..its normal...for some reason mine does the same thing then just stops...

  7. Cats have different meows. As an owner you need to identify which meow means what. Cat's love the dark, they are nocturnal. My cats have the habit of being toys in my room when I have turned off the light and ready for bed. They make what sounds like a very pathetic sad meow that, at first, I thought they were in trouble. I learned that they were ready to play!! It seems to be a meow saying"wake up! I don't want you to go to sleep!"

  8. they are nocturnal, they are active at night. don't worry about it. i usually just leave toys around for my cats, they know how to entertain themselves

  9. my cat does that

    but its because when it does they found a new sock


    but its nothing but they just want some love.

    bring em to bed and let em sleep on you pillow.

  10. feed him well before goin to bed!

    and dont forget to kiss em good nyt!

  11. My cats does that too, but he just wants attention and he wants up in the bed with us. So maybe thats it.

  12. He's just serenading you...singing you to sleep with a kitty lullaby. ^..^

  13. Is your cat neutered? If he isn't he might be doing it because he wants to get out and mate. Some cats are just more vocal than other ones. My bf took in a stray that he didn't know was pregnant. When she gave birth I took in one of the males. The rest went to a shelter. He is just like his mother, meows and chirps and carries on all the time. You could say "hush" or "cut it out" over and over, or just live with it. I would rather have a talkin cat. Could you sequester him in another room and let him carry on?

  14. Oooo i know that meow... deep throaty voice right?  My male did it for a while when we got a new cat in the house... he'd just wander around making that noise.  She also did it once, and I have no idea why.  I called him over and he was fine otherwise.  I'm not sure if it's a "calling" voice, but I think males might make that sound to attract females (when they're not fixed anyways).  Both of ours came fixed and they still occasionally do that call.
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