
Ceapest global circumnavigation?

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My wife and I are in the infant stages of planning a global circumnavigation. We haven't done any cruising to speak of so we don't know what to expect as far as expenses.

By expenses I don't mean typical groceries and exchange rates. What I'm looking for is slip rent or mooring fees and such. It will be for a 36' monohull.

About how much can we plan on spending? I've heard/read amounts in the range of $600.00/ month to $2,000.00/ month. Like I said, we're in the early stages so approximations from folks who have "been there- done that" would be great!




  1. You need a lot of experience to circumnavigate the globe.  It will be very expensive and you will need to know what you need at every port you enter.  There are fees for entry and exit.  Some are very costly.  Some countries require visas and passports and hotel stays and plane tickets for each person.  Crossing the vast oceans in a 36 footer is no joke.  It will be like a toothpick on the water.  Your really need to know what you are doing out there if you hit a storm, and you will hit a storm or two.  50 foot waves are common in a storm, your boat can't handle that kind of sea.  You sound like you don't have the experience on the water for this trip.  Good Luck. This is for real, this is not Hollywood.  You need at least a 65 footer or bigger for the ocean.

  2. Have cruised the Caribbean> Best have may blue water hours under your belt as it not like on TV romance & fun it a lot of work in terrible weather>It take years of skill and knowledge>The expence is all on whatyou want to take and how much you eat> Having all the correct equipment is most inportant> Head to the local marina and look for old salts and talk to them that's the best knowledge you will get>>Good luck have fun>>Canned food is very heavy so watch how you load it>>

  3. I have planned my own circumnavigation tour (except the part on crossing the Pacific)...

    From SE Asia, you could cover almost all major capitals from $3,000 in a month or two (lodging and transporation only, good for two)...

    Then going east, its all train and bus from there... from the Middle East, fly away to Europe...  You might spend a hefty lot at European countries.. I've estimated around 5k++ for a month (depends on location).

    For me, the best guide I've seen for cheap global travel is the Seat61 website.

  4. Do not worry about the cost, just go! LOL! Heck, if you get ½ way around and go broke, you can figure it out from there. :-p Sailing around the world, you have to learn to make do, with what you have.

    It hard to place a cost on this. When I go (See Link for route), I plan on about $1000 a month. I will have more, but, I not looking for souvenirs or Hotels. I have made some good friends over the years on the Internet and have people to show me some sites, places to stay etc. (Long Story). In the picture I link to, see the little loop @ UK? I will go East Coast to Greenland, Iceland and into the Baltic and visit Germany, Poland, Sweden etc. come out and head for the Mediterranean, Italy and those places. Cut through to India and down to Australia. Then up to China and across to Alaska and down the West Coast to Mexico and South America cutting through the canals. May not make either Horn. I will anchor when it free and pay when I have too. Take at least 1 year supply of food, but, buy when I want. I not worried of the time it takes. I laugh and tell my family and friends; "I will die somewhere along the way, but, I love the Sea and that where I want to die, not in a hospital bed."

    Well, I guess I not help much, but, I wanted to tell my story. It can be cheap or expensive. It all what and person want to do and who you know along the way.

    Maybe we get to run into each other, "Ramming Speed"! LOL!

    Good Luck, and may the Porpoise guide your journey.

  5. will spend what you have, literally

    Depends on your route, your ports of call, time spent at each, exchange rate, visas, fines, duties.  That's just for starters.

    Some countries require cash bonds upon entry,some require plane tickets for each passenger you have.

    You're subjective costs are even harder to calculate, depends on your standard of living, amount of fuel you burn(can you wait out the doldrums?) repairs to the boat, the type and amount you eat, if you cook your own, found a few restaurants in Mexico that it was cheaper to eat at than to buy food to cook.  Slip rental fees are expensive most people anchor out and that's expensive in a few areas

    I have read estimations everywhere from $350 to $4000 a month while cruising without entry/exit fees. I cant afford $4000 a month therefore they must be doing a lot more somethings than I am.

    Just read an article in October's Lats and Atts from a couple that spent 8 months going from Cabo San Lucas Mexico to Bundaberg, Australia.  Their check in/check out cost was $1125 and they averaged $750 a month during that voyage

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