
Celebrities and the Paparazzi?

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They're always complaining about how bad it is, but I heard that they're the ones (or it's the people in their "circle") that give tips to the paps on where they are (like John Mayer for example: .) And it's not only him, I heard other celebs do that too. What sense does that make? If they're the ones telling the paparazzi where they are, then why do they complain about it?

I mean, I know it's probably not all of them who do that. But why do people like John Mayer tell paparazzi where he is yet he's going places complaining about how annoying or bad they are?




  1. Well why wouldn't they complain?

    They're in the way everywhere they go, and they get really annoying

    If I were famous I run some over and trick them (like buy a pregnancy test even though I don't need one)  

  2. I'm pretty sure that that isn't for like everyday things. when the paparazzi are chasing people into highways and taking pictures when they are trying to have a private moment then people get upset. Wouldn't you? The red carpet is a totally different thing.

  3. He wants the publicity yet he doesn't want people to know it.  

  4. Part of an celeb's job is to create buzz. It's how the keep contracts, sell movie tickets, sell records, and get in magazines.  They realize the trade off of privacy and fame. It's why every celeb is a bit (if not full blown) narcissistic.  

  5. lol

    u cant believe ANYTHING Perez Hilton has to say

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