
Cell Phones are killing Pollinating Bees?

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Bees are responsible for 1/3 of the world's food supply. Mass starvation is implied if there are insufficient bees, and their numbers are dropping radically in the US and Europe.

Would you be willing to give up your cell or blackberry? I think this is more indicative of how willing people are to notch into their conveniences for a REAL environmental threat that's current.




  1. One of my siblings is currently doing honey bee research. The idea that cell phones are causing the VBS vanishing bee syndrome. In truth we don't know what is causing. Earlier in the year they thought it could be a new pesticide or possible a type of virus.

    This is truly a huge problem, but it hasn't been linked to cell phone...yet.

  2. Now I've heard everything !! What an abolute pile of c**p.

  3. It is all right and the cell phones are not the cause. The power from your local TV station is thousands of times more powerful. There may be a problem so make sure u get on the right wagon ,some of those wagons are completely out in space.

  4. It has recently been reported that honey bees are disappearing in many areas of the US.  These are domestic bees, kept by beekeepers to pollinate crops.  The bees simply aren't returning to their hives.  Many of the ones that are left in hive have been found to have parasites and diseases (some of which are known to cause disorientation in the bees), so it is suspected that something is physiologically stressing the bees, resulting in weakened immune systems.

    Nobody knows why it is happening, but it is alarming to biologists.  I wouldn't rule out cell phones, but my vote goes to Bacillus thuringensis toxin produced by genetically modified crops.  Or maybe there's some new pesticide being used out there - I don't know, I'm not a farmer, I'm a biologist.

  5. I am sure bees have been pummeled with all types of radiation before the emergence of cell phones.

      High towers with relay transmitters do not scatter signals all over the place.

      They are sharply collimated beams that go only to the next relay tower.

      If bees leave home and don't come back they have met some nice looking queen and started a new hive.

      Don;t worry about the honey bee it sounds like some one asking if the moon landing was a hoax.

  6. What hogwash! Statements in the linked article like, "This signal makes people angry, so that they support the administrations idea of going after Iran and violence in general" show that it is loony.

  7. I found your link very interesting.  I have a cell phone and would easily give it up.  I rarely use it now.

    Cell phones are dangerous not just potentially due to EMF output, but also for the deprivation of "down time" it causes to it's user...and a lack of concentration it causes when used while driving, or any other activity which requires full attention...

    I saw a woman on her cell phone in the grocery store, deep in conversation while her toddler pulled a glass jar of tomato sauce off the shelf, down onto her little head.  Caused quite a bump and a big mess of sauce and broken glass.

    I saw a young man at an ATM machine chatting away, who walked away after his transaction without his cash.  (I wanted to keep it, but I didn't)

    I can't legitimately comment on the importance of those two phone calls, but they certainly did not "sound" as important as what they were missing due to the distraction.

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