
Cellphones for kids?

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My daughter wants a cell phone and she is only 11. How old do you think a kid should be when they get a cell phone? I know it might be safeif she's at like basketball and something bad happens but I am not sure. How old do you think they should be to have a cell phones?




  1. I got my cellphone for my 11th birthday. I recomend middle school just because there is more activity going on and way more kids. Alos, not so much supervision. Try a tracphone or Boostmobile.

  2. I would not let an 11 yr old have unlimited access to calling anyone they want however I think that some kind of phone where you can limit the outgoing calls would be very useful. An even better way would be to just keep a close eye on her.

  3. I'm 11 and I am geting a Pantech Duo. So I would say it depends on the age.. or how responsible she is.

    If you want to get her a cell phone, but don't want to pay alot, Just get a low-paying phone. And tell her "Its better than nothing" its either that, or you can show her some phones ans she what she likes and wants.

    Hope I helped.

  4. i think that as the parent, you are the only who can make this decision.

  5. well if u let her have alota sleepvers and she hangs out with her friendz alot i think u shhud. because then u can call her anytime knowing where she is at. but tell her that this is the only reason why

  6. My oldest daughter got her first phone at 11. I think it all depends on your situation. If the phone is just to rack up a huge phone bill talking to friends then it is not needed. We got our daughter her phone because I felt safer with her having one. She was involved in band and other activities outside of school and I would rather have the comfort of knowing that she could call me if she needed to. I must also add in that until she proved that she could be responsible she was only given her phone when she was somewhere away from home and there were no other phones she could use. Kids tend to get so excited about their first cell phone that you get a big shock when the bill comes. I personally do not like pay as you go phones because if a child does use up the minutes they could get stuck in an emergency. You will end up buying more minutes anyway just so you feel safe and the pay as you go minutes cost a lot more. I think the family plans are the best.

  7. I bought my daughter a $12.99 Tracfone, and she leaves it in her backpack and uses it for EMERGENCIES ONLY! If she wants one just to talk to her friends, I would say NO!! But, if you would feel more comfortable with her having it, and it was just for emergencies, I think it is OK.

    I'm glad my daughter had one because there have been times she has called to say the bus was running late, so I am worried waiting for her.

  8. Having a phone doesn't sound like a bad idea. Have her agree ahead of time to do a few extra chores in lieu of paying the bill. It'll teach her some responsibility

  9. A trac fone with no more than 10 minutes, OR she will be making secret dates behind your back right under your nose.

  10. well just a word of advice,if she loses it you are responsible for any charges,so make sure its a prepaid.also,all the kids text etc and thats expensive.there is one called the firefly,which has 4 programmable numbers only.that way she could have for emergency but not play around on it

  11. I agree with the first poster that any such cell phone should be in your daughter's possession only when you deem it necessary, both for safety (unmonitored communication, text messaging) and financial reasons. Unless your daughter is unusually savvy with money and finances for her age, she probably does not understand the financial implications of over-usage and allowing her to have a full-time cell phone could lead to a bad situation for you.  I would say that very few 11 year olds are responsible and aware enough to truly take on this responsibility but only you know for sure if your daughter is ready for this.  My 9 (going on 10) year old daughter certainly isn't ready yet, though we have toyed with the idea as well.  Good luck!

  12. I got a prepaid cellphone on my Birthday in the fourth grade. If I could be responsible for a prepaid phone, ad not loose it then, when I was 12 I could buy a new phone that is not prepaid and my mom pays the bill, but I bought the phone.

  13. My sister have three children

    She on a cell phone when the older ones were ten and eleven

    She would drop the kids off at soccor or baseball or basketball.  All three was all over town, she always stay with the youngest

    Her town, did teams by neighborhoods

    There were time, the older children could get a ride home

    she gave the phone to the child that was the farest

    I would say, if you get it, keep it, and give it to her when she is out.  Keep it all other time.  That is what my sister did

  14. I would say maybe let her have use of a family cell phone in certain circumstances.  But having her own private phone number is a bit much for her age.

    Thats when you start to lose control of who they are talking/texting to.  I honestly don't think kids should have their own personal cell phones until 16.  My kids are still young so hopefully I can stick to this myself.  

    I am just quite honestly sick of seeing preteens out for dinner with their parents, or at the grocery store with parents...  texting away on their phones.  I think its rude and innappropriate.

  15. This is completely up to you. My opinion means nothing but I'm going to give it to you anyway lol. I would sit her down and tell her that if you get her the phone it is strictly for emergencies. This means if she is somewhere and needs a ride or is in trouble she can call someone.. or if she is over at a friends and wants to come home she can call.. or if she goes out somewhere like a birthday party and you don't go and she gets tired and wants to come home she can call.. it would be strictly for emergencies. If she just wants the phone because everyone else has one or so she can talk to all her fiends then I would either say no or I would tell her yes but she's gonna have to do work around the house to help pay for the phone if shes gonna use it for friend talking. This shows her she has to be responsible about it. But again its your choice if you want to do it or not. Good luck.

  16. I think it just adds another distraction to school! I would wait until her 12th birthday or maybe even 13th, but I would tell her she can't take it to school! I got one when I was 12 and lost it like 100 times and so I would wait until she was more mature than I!☺

  17. i have a 12 yr old and a 10 yr old and i got them both cell phone for xmas this yr! it has been great!  i check all calls incomming and outgoing plus all txt messages so i know they are safe and they are not sunning up my bill

  18. I think it is pretty pathetic when I see like kids in elementary school walking around on cell phones. when i was that young, i didnt have anything going on that i would be away from home long enough to use it. sure the younger kids do more these guys i guess, but its still not worth it.

    i was in 8th grade when i got my phone, so 14..

    if you think your kid is out and around enough, and you worry about them, it'd be a good idea, like you said with basketball.. and obviously she wants one and thinks its super important just like i did, and its nice for them to have one, i definitely feel safer when I have one?

    But 11- thats still a little young in my opinion.

  19. I've already told my ten year old when she can afford her own phone and phone plan she can get a cell phone.  That's how old I think they should be.

  20. You know if your daughter is responisible to have a phone.

    make sure she earns her phone.

  21. I think they should have  a cell phone when they have a job and can pay their own bill. A cell phone is a luxury not a toy.

  22. hey,

    i'm getting a cell phone for my 14th birthday which is next week lol.

    at 11 i dont think she needs a phone.

    i wanted one when i was her age, but now looking back, i realize i seriously didnt need one.

    but its your decision


  23. I got mine at 9, beacause my bus schedule then was ssooo messed up and they wanted to keep track of me, but if your worried about the bill get her a restricted cell phone so she can only call certain people.

  24. I say prepaid until about 16 then if they get a job and pay for their own bill then they can get a regular one if they want under the parents name so it can be monitor.  But at 11 I would say prepaid for emergency purposes would be ok.

  25. I give my much younger son a cell phone to use when he is out with grandparents or visiting other relatives and I'm not with him. If he want to call me or if I want to call him.  He never takes it to school just when he is with supervising adults.  I know I am going to get thumbs down but I think if she is responsible then YES!

  26. I'm amazed when I see middle schoolers with cell phones. Come on! Why do you possibly think your child needs it at that age?

    I think that the  best age to give them their cell phone is the age when they start becoming much more independent. Probably driving age, or a year younger.

    If you really think she'd need it, give your daughter a phone with very few minutes, and tell her its only for emergencies. It should also be a cheap phone so that if she loses it, which she probably will, then you don't have to pay a lot to replace it. The best phone would be the ones where you buy minutes with a card at local gas stations.

  27. I think it depends on whether you think she needs it.  I believe 11 is too young, and that's coming from a spoiled child who had since I was about 13.  If she's away from you quite often, with no access to a landline telephone, then it may be a good idea, but if she is at basketball (school?) there is probably a phone available or someone there most likely has a cell phone (a coach, a teacher, a friends parent, etc.).
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