
Cermony questions by leslie silko?

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1. What kind of women is old grandma? what kind of relationship does she have with tayo? what evidence do you have for this?

2. What does old grandma want to do for tayo? what is aunties response?

3.why did the vilalge officers hold a meeting and talk about running sis off the reservation for good? how did the communtiy feel about tayos mother? how did josiah and old grandma feel about her? how did aunties feel about her?

4. Why does old jku'oosh do with tayo? why is tayo embarassed at first?

5. Why does ku'ooosh say the world is fragile? what is the responsibility that goes with being human?

6 What was the old way of warefare? how did the "whitemans war " differ from the old ways? What about modernwarefar would the old man have found hard to believe? what is ku'oosh afraid of? why?

7. What is ku' oosh afradi of? why?

8/ Why are the old stories important? what is the power of a story according to the authors viewpoint?

9. why are the mexican catle importent?




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