
Channeling while drunk?

by  |  earlier

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Why exactly is it such a no-no? I figure it's warned against b/c your judgment is impaired and you're weakened physically, but for me, it's like being in a trance and I still have partial control (if I want the spirit to leave). I want to know if there are any specific reasons aside from these...please, naysayers refrain from soiling this question. I only want knowledgeable believers with valid opinions. thanks.




  1. actually its not really a good idea to drink at all. Alcohol is in my opinion one of the worst drugs out there. Even if you are not pretending to channel spirits, it will destroy your mind and body very quickly.

    Did I "Soil" your question too much by pointing out that your just pretending to channel spirits? Sorry, truth is so dirty sometimes.

  2. Hello Sal

    I know a few psychics who will only go on stage if they have had a few & for them it obviously works well.

    But at the same time they also do not have enough confidence to be what they are to the fullest, so maybe the reasons why need to be dealt with to enable better clarity of channel.

    Drink like drugs can give confidence but they also mean that you cannot clarify the experience as you are not 100% present.


  3. It's a no-no because superstitious people attribute all sorts of magical reverence for spiritual rituals.  Of course it doesn't matter whether you're drunk or sober.  Your ability to channel will be exactly as effective after your 12th beer as it was before your first.

    EDIT: You have to ask yourself what makes these people so certain drinking and channeling don't mix.  I mean, what evidence or observation are they basing this upon?  My guess would be there is no evidence or observation on which they are basing this.  As with so many other assertions made in the realm of the unsubstantiated, it's an assertion based on what "makes sense" (i.e. theoretical) rather than anything actually observed (i.e. practical).

  4. well i have had the coolest channel while i was drunk, so i don't see what the diffrence is. the lady that the message was for, was about to commit suicide. ( i received this information through channel & i think that is why she listened, cause how was i to know that) Her mother recently died and she was having tons of other problems in her life. Her old neighbor came through, (who happened to have the same name as her brother, who was had also passed on) and helped her.  She kept thinking it was her brother but i distictincly knew it wasn't. the neighbor died when she was a little girl, so it took her awhile to figure out who it was.The coolest part about it was, i was getting these messages and was ignoring them and about to leave, i tried to get up twice and it felt like someone was pushing on my shoulder, i could not get up. So i decided to relay what i was being told to her. she is great today.

    i have only channelled a couple of other times and i was sober for those..

  5. Not a good idea. You may want to use alcohol because it may "weaken" your resistance in order for you to "channel" better - you can do it easier and you can kind of "sit back" and enjoy the experience from a drunken cloud.  However, under the influence of any drug - mental control over your own body is impaired - leaving you in a helpless state.  Just imagine another spirit - fully awake - that would not have that problem - and is just waiting to influence your actions to their own ends.

  6. Channeling is a form of acting. Acting, like any other

    profession requires concentration. When you are

    pretending to be your spirit guide, you don't want people

    to think that you can only channel drunk ghosts.

  7. Why do you think alcohol is called "spirits"? I think lots of people have been used by spirits while they're drunk...making them do and say things that they wouldn't normally do and say. I do believe that while you're drinking you don't have full control of yourself and open yourself up to spirits. I believe this also happens when you get hypnotized....and even when you're not alert and using discernment. Maybe that's why it says "Be sober and alert because your adversary.........."

  8. Personally when I have any kid of experience I do not want to be drunk. If that works for you then only you can decide. Also I see no difference in channeling when drunk than going into a trance with drugs like LSD or magic mushrooms or peyote.

  9. I believe that spirits can get in while you're drinking. The thing usually don't have the ability to handle it and they can easily lead you to do things you wish you hadn't. It's like letting a stranger into your house while you're drunk. They can steal you blind and do a lot more than that if you pass out.

  10. I enjoy drinking alcohol now and then, but I have never done any channeling.

    If you enjoy drinking you have a responsibility to refrain from certain activities. Obviously driving. operating heavy machinery, and using firearms are in this category, but other activities should be avoided as well. I wouldn't take an exam when I've been drinking. It's up to you to make a responsible decision as to whether channeling is something you should do if you've been drinking.

  11. I'd have to agree with the first answer.  though it may be fun and exciting, you should never leave your body vacant, without a soul.  you may not be able to regain it, or not fully anyway.  

    good luck, either way.

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