
Characteristics and ways of Italian People?

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I'm going to Italy for one semester in my 11th or 12th grade year. What are some things that I need to know about Italian people?




  1. You'll love um. The ladys are no nice and down to earth and all the men will flirt with you.

  2. In my experience they are generally very friendly. If you're a girl just be aware that some of the men (of course not all) can be a lot more forward towards women they don't know then you're probably used to. If you're american they might give you a bit of a hard time at first, but they're probably just joking around with you and if you remain friendly and in good humor they'll accept you right away.

  3. they are just like you and I but talk Italian, and move their hands around alot when the do.

  4. I've been in Italy, and I think it depends also where are you going exactly.

    Northners are more similar to the other european people, southners more similar with our stereotypes

    Do you already know the city?

  5. Italians take it as a personal offense if you don't eat their food....MANGIA!

  6. I traveled around Florence and Rome. I noticed that many/most people did not speak English but I could generally get by speaking Spanish. That was probably the hardest thing for me to adjust to.

  7. You have to tell me where you go. If you go to the north people is normal, but if you go to the south, it can correspond to your stereotypes...that is. What is in your idea of Italians as black, arrogant,...these are your stereotypes aren' t they? So, tell in which part of Italy you go. Anyway there' s nothing particular to known about Italians! Be yourself, they just speak another language in the north, and you could find some differences in the south.

  8. Italians are lovely and welcoming, so don't worry at all. As already said, you might be bothered by Italian men, so always say firmly that you're not interested in them (if you're not of course ;)), otherwise you won't get rid of them. Apart from that, try to embrace local eating and drinking culture e.g. don't order cappuccino after a dinner so that you'll avoid exasperated looks saying: Those bloody tourists! ;)

    Get to know some Italians, they'll show you the real life in Italy and I'm sure you'll fall in love with it!

    Have a nice stay!

  9. I'm italian... if you tell us where are you going exactly (the city or the region) I can tell you more... Italian people are different from region to region!

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