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hi. I want to start a charity called A Day in the Park, which helps younger people who stay cooped in hospitals all day to get to go outside and go some where. I really want to do this but am not sure quite how to get started. any help?




  1. contact a social worker at a hospital with your idea,maybe they caould get you started. You may need some sort or certification or maybe you can find a similar program already

    establishised. God luck we need caring people out there

  2. For the past eight and a half years  I have been the Executive Director of the Funding Information Center, a 25-year old charity that helps other charities by providing them education, funding information, information & referral services, and other resources they need to accomplish their good works . (   The first step in starting any charitable organization (designated 501c3 organizations by IRS) is to do your homework!  Some questions to ask include:

    * Is there a need for this program?  Check to see if there are other organizations that serve children that you can learn from or perhaps begin working collaboratively before you start a new nonprofit. Examples are Make a Wish or Big Brothers Big Sisters.   I don't know what state you are in, but there are thousands of nonprofit charities.  You can look at and just enter your state or city and key search words and identify for free some to go visit.

    * Is my mission viable?  Start by speaking with one or more children's hospitals in your area to discover first if this is allowed.  Are their enough children able to participate?  Is it medically possible for them?  Children in hospitals obviously have medical conditions that must be considered first.   Since you would start serving local children at local hospitals, take a lot of time speaking to them first.

    *What are some of the legal considerations?  First, IRS form 1023 is what you will need to find to file to become a charity.  You will need to check with your Secretary of State & Attorney General's offices for state incorporation and solicitation laws.  You need a board of directors and insurance to cover them, organization liability insurance and, these days, extensive background check considerations apply to anyone starting a charity dealing with youth or children.  Get on the internet and go to, and your state secretary of state and attorney general's websites.  Many have lists of things to do to start a nonprofit in their state.  Our local volunteer center provides background check services for a very nominal fee, so they are a good resource.

    * How will I raise money & pay expenses?   A nonprofit organization receives its charitable tax-exempt status from the IRS. There is a filing fee to apply and you probably need help from an attorney or cpa to complete the form.  One of the main reasons to get status is basically your purpose is identified as "charitable", which is defined in the tax code.  Other reaons include you receive a percentage of your financial contributions from the public--donations.  It is key that you know where these contributions will come from going into the process because to carry on your charitable work you have to have money.  Individual donors historically make up around 85% of all charitable contributions; foundations and corporations the other 15%.  Write a good fund development plan because people give to people, but especially people in charities who know how to raise & manage money.  A great resource to learn is The Foundation Center,  They are a nonprofit organization and have a great faq's and free online trainings to help you.

    *How will I sustain this organization?    Getting a nonprofit status from IRS is totally different from sustaining an organization.  Besides fulfilling a charitable mission, you will also be operating the "business" part of the organization.  Understanding business functions, finances, how to read financial statements, legal considerations for the organization and in recruiting good board members are key to your success.   Another good resource to help here is   They are a charity that provides tons of information on their site to help nonprofits raise money and manage their organizations.

    You are considering getting into one of the most rewarding careers in our country, so taking the time to do it right will be well worth it to those you serve and to you. Hope this helps!     Teresa

  3. I would not describe your intent as charity.  It could be beneficial for the kids if you establish a foundation that allows the promotion of activities for hospital confined patients (kids, adults, entirely your choice).  I suggest you first volunteer at a Children's Hospital. or hospital unit that treats children to first gain experience and network with people in social services, administration to learn the particulars first hand before attempting to do anything on your own.  Your's is a worthy ambition, and I wish you well!

  4. oh thats very nice.

    I suggest you go to a hospital and ask if you can do this and if all or most of the kids or people can go instead of some so they dont feel left out.

    ask your friends to help.

    good luck!

    hope everything works out great!
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