
Cheap yet good wireless router ?

by  |  earlier

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i just got a PS3 and i wanna go wireless on the internet because i move the console around the house and hate those extra cables, especially if i don't have an adapter in that room for the ethernet.

my solution is to hook up a wireless router.

but the only problem is that i don't want to get a state-of-the-art wireless router.

so is there any out there that are cheap and easy to find but still have the essentials for fast online play like speed and quality.

the maximum distance for it is probably 20m.

cheers all




  1. Usually you could get a wireless router of your ISP for free with your broadband account.

  2. contact internet provider you may allready have one or they can give you one alot cheaper than buying one if not try Linksys wireless router around 70.00 dollars good luck

  3. In my experience llynksys, belkin and netgear seem to be the best. Llynksys of some cheap yet reliable routers , but check out all 3 companies products before you buy one.

  4. Here I found a wide selection of wireless routers..

    I recommend a LYNKSIS with 100 kbs +

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