
Cheapest international shipping?

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Hi, I'm moving to Paris in 2 weeks and I have between 150 and 200 books that I need to ship from NY to my new address. I've looked into DHL, Fedex and UPS but all three seem ridiculously expensive to me ($1000). I guess this makes sense considering the expense of fuel. I managed to find one company (International Parcel Service?) that will ship them for $500...Does anybody have any idea about what would be cheapest? Is it possible to send packages by boat?...I imagine that might be an awful lot cheaper and I'm in no hurry so I don't care about expedience.




  1. You will have to settle for DHL or FedEx, those are your cheapest options !i

  2. You know, that's a lot for books... could you read them online and just take a computer :)

  3. Look into a company called Bongo International. They offer 50% off DHL prices and they also will give you a US address so that you can purchase goods in the US (much cheaper than Paris), when you move.

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