
Cheating hurts Right?

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to make the story quick ii was talking to 2 boys for a year [relationship] and i fell in love with them quick yes i know 2 timing is wrong !!but hey im not perfect well the 1 i was more in love with found out and broke up with me!!he gave me a second chance and i lied and said i let the other guy go but i didn't he found out and dumped me again!!well now i looked on my ex myspace page and found out he's been talking to this other girl uhh im sad and crying my eyes out for some reason idk what i should do!!??any advice please be harsh dont hold anything back!!




  1. Karma is a *****. It just goes to show that what you do to one it sure as h**l will come back to you.

    You need to let him go. Go and live your life now without him./ You did not hurt him once but twice. No good!!

    You need to understand what your problem is before you can go and love someone else. There are some issues that you need to work with and people see it through the way you treat other people.

    You will be okay--Just be kind and don't cheat.

    Hope I Could Help :}

  2. Let it go, y'all both obvioulsy neither one "love" the other or there would be no cheating. As far as getting him back if you want to, flip the script on him. Let him know that you know bout ole girl, and let him beleive that is why you started talkin to the other dude again. Beyond that if you are emotionally attatched, dont cheat on him again!

  3. well maybe im a little old fashioned, but if you really loved him, why would you want to be with someone else? why would you hurt him intentionally? hun, you had it coming, you cant just lie to someone and cheat on them and expect them to understand. you can try to talk to him and try to tell him but chances are nothing will come of it. sorry.

  4. No offense but this is all your fault. Boo-hoo.

    Don't cheat. Karma's a bxtch.

    He's perfectly entitled to talk to whomever he wants not. Especially because you two aren't together. you cheated on him and he left you, wasn't it obvious he was going to leave you the first time he gave you a chance??

  5. we  llsuck it up big girl. try 2 talk 2 him again and c if he wants u  back. he probably doesn't have time 4 your games. but it won't hurrt to try. tell him u  still love him and that u will not cheat. but if  u don't mean it just forget about playing that game again. he has feeling too;)

  6. What's good for the goose is good for the gander and what's that famous saying "what goes around, comes around".

    There's no need for anyone to be cheated and lied to him not once, but twice.......and who knows what you told the other guy.  You know you did the wrong thing and you also know this is pay back time.

    If you have learned something from this, it's a good thing!  Hopefully you won't make the same mistake again.........although, it wasn't really a mistake, it was deliberate!  I should say, hopefully you won't do the same thing again as now you know first hand how it feels.

  7. well kind of had it coming. I know no one is perfect...but playing with peoples emotions esp if they love you is wrong & it's very hard for ppl to forgive that. Just be honest with him..let him know how much you do love him. If he feels the same he will understand...give him some space to think...good luck sweetie.

  8. wuts ur myspce

  9. I don't want to be harsh, but you're probably hurting so bad because you had done to you what you did to the guy you hurt. We all know that two wrongs don't make a right, but hey if we didn't make mistakes how are we suppose to learn from them?

    It's crappy that you have to go thru this pain but maybe you'll now see what pain you caused by juggling 2 guys. The good news is that the pain will pass & you've hopefully learned that nobody wins by cheating.

  10. karmaa!! sorry that really sucks.

    just think about some other guys....

    and let the guy know how you feel...

    sucks for you though, no offense

  11. that sucks but you get what you deserve.  What do you really want your cake and eat it to?  You have to make a choice and stick with it.  Your choice was to try to have both it didnt work out now it is time to move on.  I really hope the boy doesnt take you back.
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