
Cheerleading?? And Gymnastics?

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Is it hard to become a cheerleader? And is it hard to do gymnastics for the first time and can someone make a list of all the tricks I should learn before I try out PLEASE [:





  1. Yes cheerleading is hard. At least where I cheer. And I'm just doing high school cheer. Competitive cheering is super hard. But cheerleading is also very very fun. I can't do anything past a summersault so I can't help you with the tumbling (that's what gymnastics is called in cheerleading.) But not all squads require tumbling.

    Try and learn at least how to do a herkie or a hurdler

    A toe touch

    and a  Pike. Go on youtube the have everything you need to teach you. Also try

    Stretch every night to get more flexible. Pracitice cheering in front of a mirror. Make sure you're moves are tight and that you are smiling and that you're loud.


  2. you wont need to know anything just pay attention at practice

    and the people that do the flips are the people that know how to do them

    just try your best.

  3. To become a cheerleader, you need to have good jumps and tumbling skills.  And getting those skills does take work.  But like anything else, you start at the beginning and work your way up.  It can take a good year to learn the basic cheerleading skills, so if you want to be a cheerleader, you should start practicing right now!

    The three main jumps in cheerleading are the toe-touch, pike jump, and front hurdler.  You should sign up for a cheer class, or take a few private lessons from a cheer coach, so you can learn the proper technique.  Then go home and practice, practice, practice!  Take another class or lesson every so often, so the coach can tell you if you're doing them right.

    Tumbling takes the longest to learn, so start with some tumbling classes right now, and keep them up!  You'll learn to do roundoffs, backhandsprings, back tucks and other skills.  The more often you go, the quicker you'll learn.

    You didn't say when tryouts are, but you should definitely try out, even if you don't think you're ready.  Depending on the requirements (and who else is trying out), you might make it the first time you try out.  But if you don't make it, that's okay.  Going through the tryout process will give you valuable experience, and you'll have an even better shot of making it the next time!

    Good luck and have fun!  =]

  4. cheerleading is actually harder than most people think.

    i know for cheerleading you should have to be able to be loud of course, should be able to do a toe touch and other jumps and also you should be able to dance because cheerleaders dance sometimes in their routines now gymnastics idk

  5. The standards really depend on the team you are trying out for, but I would recommend you to know AT LEAST these three:




    A back handspring or a tuck would probably help you get onto the team, but those take more time to learn. Whether or not it's difficult really depends on you. Seriously, I know some people that were BORN knowing how to tumble!  

  6. I know that to be a gymnast it helps to be a smaller person.  What I would suggest would be for gymnastics would be to do a lot of stretching and do exercises to help you become more balanced.  You should also become comfortable with moving your body around and make sure you have control.  For cheer leading you would want to build up your strength since you will be lifting girls into the air.  You also want to make sure you are in shape and very flexible.  Another good idea would be to make your body healthy and get to your ideal weight because cheerleaders need to be light so they can be thrown and tossed.  You could also try your basic cartwheels, hurkeys, back flips and round offs.  Good luck!

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