
Cheeseburgers or Hotdogs?

by Guest33037  |  earlier

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Cheeseburgers or Hotdogs?




  1. I like both, but i'm craving a cheeseburger more now you mention it!

  2. Cheeseburgers  

  3. Cheeseburgers.

  4. This is a good question.

    I say cheesburger.

    More meat! Much more fulfilling.

    Nothing better than being at a BBQ. You get a burger patty. Put a cheese on that sucker.Some ketchup. OMFG delicious.

  5. Hotdogs

  6. cheeseburgers

    answer mine?;...

  7. Cheeseburgers thanx again for remind me that I haven't had breakfast :(

  8. For little kids hot dogs are always good, because they don't eat much and they're cheap, but for older people you're probably going to want hamburgers. But hey, why not be crazy and do both?!

  9. Effy is a dumbass.  Hotdogs with chill and cheese, hamburgers with cheese and bacon.

  10. Cheeseburgers.

    I haven't had a hotdog in about 2 or 3 months.  Prior to that, I had hotdogs almost every day for several months.

  11. Cheeseburgers, I hate hot dogs

  12. I like my burgers with lettuce, onion, horseradish, tomato, salt, pepper, and ketchup.

  13. ONE WORD ...... Cheeseburger  

  14. ~Both are soooooo yummm!

  15. Cheeseburgers.... hot dogs are gross

  16. weiners.  i loves me some weiners and sauerkraut.

  17. Hamburgers, I can't stand cheeseburgers.

  18. It depends on my mood.  Sometimes I want a hot dog and sometimes I want a burger.  I probably lean more towards the burgers though.

  19. CHEESEBURGERS!!!!!!!!!! I think that's what I'm having for lunch! YUM

  20. Cheeseburger please.... medium well with extra pickles!!

  21. Cheeseburgers because at least you know how they've been processed and what is in them. All they are is cow.

    If you looked at the ingredients (which could take forever) you'll see how much cheese burgers are better for you.

    Plus, they taste better to!

  22. Cheeseburgers for me, please.

  23. Cheeseburgers

  24. Cheeseburger-Hotdogs!

    They are real I promise!  

  25. You wasted 5 points asking this. I would choose cheeseburger.

  26. neither i am tired of both of cheeseburgers and hot dogs  

  27. cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseburgers..  preferable double bacon monster cheeeeeeeseburgers.  

  28. Hotdogs :)

  29. \m/ Cheeseburgers (from Wendy's or McDonald's) \m/

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