
Cheetahs aggressive or cute ?

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I need you to answer these questions first:

#1. Wild animals (like the cheetah) will not hurt humans unless provoked or felt dangerous; is it true or not ?

#2. I saw some people (honestly) having cheetahs as pets !

is it that possible they are friendly and easily tamed ?

#3. Is it true that in South Africa they sell cubs for individuals illegally ?




  1. I'm agreeing with Emily's post.

    If you think cats were useless (they aren't... they are soft pillows), stubborn (they are not... it's called being independent) and lazy (eh, they sleep a lot, but they can be entertaining during waking hours), you won't want a cheetah.  A cheetah is pretty much like a large aggressive house cat.  You have probably seen cats play bite and wrestle.  Imagine something 100 times larger trying to do that with you.  By the way, most of the footage you see on TV of big cats happen to be during the few times they are active.  A lot of the time, the cats lay around and do nothing.  

    Wild animals will attack if they felt they were in danger, but we have no way of predicting that sometimes.  Faithful animals will spook at the littlest thing and tear into their trainer.  Their trainer puts their hand the wrong way on the animal, and the animal goes nuts.

    Personally, I think if you don't even have the patience for a dog or a cat, you are not going to want an exotic cat... or even an exotic dog or an exotic monkey.  Also, it doesn't matter how much money you have.  You aren't shopping for an expensive leather couch.  These are live animals.  There is more to it than looking at an animal and saying "I want THAT one."  Maybe you would be better off donating to an aquarium or zoo or animal rehabilitation center and getting a special pass so you can come in and see the animals at your leisure.

  2. 1. Mostly true. Most wild animals will avoid humans like the plague, but if they are defending cubs, a kill, sick, provoked, or cornered, a cheetah could easily kill a human. I would think it would be more likely for a pet cheetah to bite than a wild one, simply because they are around people constantly and there's a greater risk.

    2. Possible? Yes. Good idea? Not at all. For starters, it's illegal unless you have a special permit. Friendly and easily tamed? No. We humans are used to growing up with dogs and cats who have been domesticated for thousands of generations, but it's not fair to expect the same from an animal such as a cheetah. Even born and raised in captivity, they are still essentially wild animals.

    3. Probably. Some people in impoverished countries there will do anything for money, including dabbling in the illegal pet trade. To get these cubs, traders shoot the mothers and capture the now orphaned cubs.

    If you're considering it, please think again. Yes, cheetahs are beautiful and intelligent wild animals, but wild animals they should remain. Big cats do not and will probably never make good pets. They are just too large, too wild, and too unpredictable.

    People who buy big cats for pets almost always buy them as cubs. ("Aww. Aren't they cute? They're so adorable! Wouldn't it be cool to have a pet cheetah?) As you can imagine, this doesn't last long. The cub quickly grows into an adolescent. Cheetahs only stay with their mothers for a comparitively short period of time, so that cuddly cub quickly becomes independent and aggressive. It is pretty much impossible to provide a big cat with the physical and mental stimulation it needs in a home setting, so it finds other ways to entertain itself - namely, destroying your home or becoming aggressive and attacking and biting humans. The cat almost invariably ends up euthanized or sent to a sanctuary, where it spends the remainder of it's life in an enclosure.

    Also, with the purchase of a cheetah cub, you are supporting the illegal animal trade, making it possible for the poacher to go kill another cheetah.

    How about considering getting a dog or housecat instead?

  3. 1 Usually true, there are always exceptions but usually true

    #2 They are never tamed ... they are more like use to humans, people do have them as pets illegally of course. They are still very dangerous

    #3 I know that a lot of drug dealers have big cats as "guard cats". I have seen lots of tigers that had been used for that, never cheetahs but I am sure they use them too I have just not seen them.

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