
Chemistry Question!!! HELP!?

by  |  earlier

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We all know that 50 plus 50 equals 100, but if 50 cm. to the 3d power of water is added to 50 cm. to the third power of ethanol, in a closed system, 95 cm. to the third power of solution is formed. Can you think of a model that explains this?

Please have an explanation of the answer, i have no idea what this question is asking!




  1. The question, translated into human terms, means: "If you add one liter of water to another, you get two liters of water, but if you add one liter of water to one liter of ethanol, you get less than two liters of solution. Why?"

    I'd really wish this textbox would allow for a proper explanation, but it does allow for a link with the proper explanation:

    You should be able to understand the process.

  2. 95cm3 is formed instead of 100 cm3 because when ethanol (50 cm 3)reacts with water(50 cm 3)  it forms hydrogen bonding with the water that's why number of particles decreases and hence volume decreases

    but when water is added to no such type of bonding formed so number of particles neither decrease nor increase and volume remains same i.e 50 +50 =100cm3

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