
Chemistry Questions.....

by  |  earlier

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plz some one answer these questions,

1) what are impure forms of silica

2) what are major pollutants of water

3) what is kieselguhr

4) What is reason of depletion of ozone

5) What are conditions for prepation of ammonia by Haber's method

I want the answer of these 5 questions plzz.........




  1. 1) Well if you look at silica sand it is basically SiO2, which is silicon dioxide.

    2) Water pollution  has a variety of different forms including bacterial pollution which is where bacteria digests carbohydrate matter through aerobic bacteria, depleating the O2 levels in the water. There is also chemical pollution such as Phosphorus Eutrophication which is were too many nutrients leech into bodies of water and cause algae to grow at an increased rate. This causes the sunlight to be blocked from the lake-life killing the life.

    3) A soft porous deposit formed by fossil diatoms used as a filter.

    4) CFCs, or Chloro-fluoro-carbons react with ozone (O3) to break it down.

    5) The haber process required an iron catalyst, 200 atmospheres of pressure and 450 degrees celcius.

  2. 4 is CFCs because of a reaction with ozone (O3)

    5 is 450 degrees c and 200 atmospheres with an iron catalyst

    i dont know the others sorry

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