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I would like to hatch some chicks but I don't know how to care for them. I know were to get eggs but I can't decide which type of hen. Oh and I want a hen that lays eggs.




  1. Well if you want good egg layers you would get either Pearl White Leghorns ( the white ones that aren't exactly too cute ) or a Rhode Island red ( the beautiful brick red ones ).

    In my personal experience I have found that Reds are nicer and a lot calmer.

    Here are some websites that will help you A LOT!

    And here is a great book to get to help you through out the incubation!

    It really REALLY helped me!

    And I had a GREAT hatch!

    Even though, I wasn't hatching Chickens.

    Hatching ducks is basically the same when you remember the diffrences!

  2. Taking care of them isn't all that hard. You need to make sure that they are warm and have food and water. It' gets easier to take care of them as they get older.

    If you want unique egg layers you could get Ameraucanas. They lay blue-green colored eggs and have a pretty good temperament. If you want bird just for eggs and you don't care how the birds look, you can get crossbreeds that are specifically bred for egg laying.

  3. I hatch baby chickens all the time. They don't need much. Just don't handle them too much, and make sure they have food and fresh water. They will act like they are fighting, but they are just establishing the pecking order.

    this article is pretty good. I just use boxes instead of aquariums, and a heat lamp.
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