
Child Abuse Stories?

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What are some of your saddest child abuse or neglect stories? Or just ones you've heard before. Any would help. Thanks.




  1. My father is dead now and it's been a year now.I didn't go see but I forgave him for everything.He never was in our lives and I only have bad memories of him.I'm the youngest out of 4.But I have been beat with cordsvacuumm sticks,broom sticks,and it goes on.I been sexually abuse and never finish school.But I watched my dad shoot out my brothers eye for him seeing him molesting another cousin and then broke his jaw.It stuck with me for along time and I wanted to kill him for that.I had a ruff child hood growing up and that is why I can talk about it now and share what has happen to me to others.I have been to prison twice,had cancer.I now have three kids of different ages that I never whipped,one graduated the other is about to and the little one has more years to go.I attend everything I can and will never be like my father.I'm the only one who has not divorced,been with my wife 18 years now.I am a Deacon at my church and my son is a Jr.Deacon,my little one is a Usher and in the choir.God has reallt Blessed me and my family and I love to share my story.You can reach me on myspace and read more about my life.My display name is Deacon Tony or contact me at my email, for anything else.

  2. my best friend is a social worker and she told me about her case where a father had been molesting his son since he was just a baby (the mother was a druggie and out of the picture), when that little boy was 8 he started to molest his 2 year old little sister.  He didn't even realize what he was doing was wrong and (thank god) told his teacher about the "games he played with daddy and his sister" and they were able to remove the kids from the home, but the boy had to be put in a home for children with criminal mental illness.  It was so sad, that dad ruined his childrens lives.

  3. holly well, and jessica chapman one is pretty sad ;(

    also the one about that autrain man Josef Fritzl, who locked his daughter in a cellar to make children...

    this link is also very disturbing

  4. read a book called a child called it

    david pelzer something like that

    and of course sybil

  5. My Closest friend is works in the SCA [Stop child abuse] and she talks to kids who do get abused. The saddest one she told me was that a child who was only 6, had an alcoholic father and a druggie mother. The father cursed at the child, threw her at the wall, threw knives at her, the child was murdered by the father.

  6. I heard of one where the baby was shaken and thrown across the room and into his crib because he wouldnt stop crying.

  7. I was abused from the age of 8 to 16 by my mother. Phyllis, my mother, was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, depression, and schizophrenia when I was about 12. We were homeless for about 2 years so we hopped from one drugged out friends  house to the next. On multiple occassions I was left at a strangers house for days while phyllis partied and done drugs. I slept outside abunch of times with nothing but a small blanket to cover with. Phyllis wouldn't feed me but maybe once a day and sometimes I would go without for a couple of days. When I could find a phone I would call my mammaw to come and get me but most times I wouldn't know where I was. I was beaten with belts until I bled and I've even been hit in the face with a beer bottle. we finally got a trailer and I thought things would get better but they went down hill. My mammaw admitted phyllis to a mental hospital where she stayed there for about 2 months. When she got out the abuse worsened. I got involved in a church singing and drama and phyllis hated it. When id come home she'd yell at me and curse me and beat me. She'd tell me that I needed to die and that the reason why my father left is bc he hated me and wanted me to die too.  A really close friend of mine commited suicide and after that phyllis would tell me that she was gonna kill herself and me too. I attempted suicide bc it got so bad. Anything to get away from her. But one night I was finally free. I had been at church all day rehearsing for the christmas play and when I got home phyllis told me that she wanted us to go to her friends house. These people always did drugs and were always drunk so I told her that I didn't want to go. She began yelling at me telling me that I thought I was better than her friends, which is true. I was always better than all of them. She punched me in the face. After that I told my dog elviss to run to mammaws house which was only just about 300 yards from the trailor. I then ran to get my saxophone from my room bc I had band practice the next day. When my back was turned she grabbed  the back of my hair and pulled me backwards. I got up to run and she pushed me over a short dresser. And she turned to lock me in my room. I then grabbed a handfull of curly hair and told her to let me out. She scratched my face with her nails making me bleed. She then began slamming my head against the wall but while her arm was in front of my face I bit her until I could taste the blood in my mouth. When she stopped I punched her in the stomach, picked up my sax, and ran. I ran to mammaws house and she knew something was wrong. She knew phyllis had snapped. My aunt had recently moved in and we were hella close so she helped me. Phylis called the police on me but bc of my familys well known status they only talked to her. She never told them what really happened and she was never arrested. If the police had ever seen me they would seen my black eyes, swollen face, and scratched up and blood caked face. After that there were rumors that my uncle had gotten me pregnant, rumors of heavy drug use, and that I had been to jail. All were lies. I never went back to her. My aunt, uncle, and I bought and remodeled a house across from my mammaws and I lived there until I was 19 and got married. I don't speak to phyllis and I acknowledge mt aunt and uncle as my parents. I think God really meant for them to be my parents after all. I still have nightmares and will always have psychological scarring from her but its taught me how to be a good mother for when I have kids. My children will never know phyllis and I wish I could forget her.

  8. My friend was spanked.  

  9. my husband was thrown against a wall and was regularally whipped with a horse whip as a child.

  10. my mother beat my with a crowbar when i was younger, needless to say i had bruises and welts all over the back of my legs.  i tried to tell people at school and the police and no one ever believed me, my mother was a very good lier, so i would just run away.  when they would catch me and bring me back home my mother would locked me in my room for days, no bathroon, no food.. once i used my sheets tied them together then tied it to my bed and lowered myself to the ground.  my room was on the 3rd floor of our house.  fianlly when i turned 18 i moved out, which she kept all my stuff so i had nothing however i didn't care because i was away from her.  now to mention to my mother was a hard core drug user and alcoholic.  she was only nice to me if i was able to score her some drugs from the kids at school and then when no one had anything she would blame me.  she is no sober and has been for almost 3 years however we do not have a relationship at all.  she had tried to contact me however what she did to me as a child is unforgiveable and i personally want nothing to do with her or that side of the family ever.  they never did anything to help me when they knew what i was going through.  

  11. My mother was murdered when I was 4 and custody was given to my dad who was already remarried and had a baby on the way...My step-mother hated me and resented me being time she hit me and threw me across the room into a bed because I couldn't find my baby brother's bottle and he was crying..I was 5 and I have a scar on my foot from hitting the metal bed frame. Once she slammed my head into a cast iron bath tub because I was crying cause I wanted to spend the night at her sister's house to play with her niece that was my age...I was about 6...when I was didn't want to eat something gross I would sneak and throw it away...she would grab it from the garabage can and force me to eat it...once she was mad at my dad and fighting with him and came into my room in the middle of the night and pulled me out of bed by my hair and preceded to beat me and punch me...she used to call me names, tell me I was a w***e like my mother, I was garbage, she used to tell me that my dad was not my dad, that he took me in cause my mom had died and "supposedly" he was my dad and didn't have the heart to find out if I really was or not....(Yet I am the only one that looks like HIM)......she used to treat me like her maid...I would have to clean and do everything for my brothers...she would be in the kitchen and I was up stairs in my room and she would yell for me to come all the way downstairs to get her a spoon and she was right there! She would always make me cut my hair short like a boy so that I would get made fun of at school.....she would wake me up in the morning to iron my dad's uniform and then she would go back to sleep....I was like 8....she ruined my wedding....called everyone in the family telling them lies about me and no one came to my wedding or stood up in my dad almost didn't walk me down the aisle (My 1/2 sister came to my wedding and who knows what she told him but he showed up the day of the wedding and walked me)....I had gotten some kind of 21st scholors scholarship that would have paid for my college and when I was 18 I ran away and she refused to fill out the info so that I could go to college...and since I didn't have money, I had to drop out.....

    also when I was little we would travel to Mexico by car to visit my step-moms family and it would be me and my 2 1/2 brothers and they would cry and complain that it was to make sure her kids were comfortable...I would be pinched and hit to sit up and not go to sleep...she would put her arm behind the seat so my dad couldn't see and if I cried, she would start a HUGE fight with him and I would get my *** beat even more...I was also not allowed to eat at rest stops...if I did, I woudl get the cheapest thing on the menu and her kids could order whatever they wanted...I always got the cheapest and smallest portions..
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