
Child Support Check Help?

by  |  earlier

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A child support check is suppose to go towards food, clothing, and housing. In that order(as far as I know). Yet I haven't been able to get any clothes from my parents for the past 3 months and like heck if I eat through over $400 worth of food in a month alone.

Who can I contact or get a hold of to work this ordeal out?




  1. there is a department through social services for that call and tell them you problem they will take it from there

  2. A lawyer ................... and a dietitian

  3. lol "wow"

  4. Call your local child support office and ask to speak to a caseworker or supervisor about your concerns. Child support is to be used to help support the child from the absent parent to pay for shelter costs, food, electric, phone, and any other costs while the child is living in that household. A small amount could also go to the child for allowence or spending money. Do you think that mabe they might be putting some back for you in a savings account for when your older? Call and talk to the childsupport office, bc I'm sure its probabably hard to ask your parents where that money is going.. They would either tell you to pay bills and food or think that you were accusing them of using the money for things its not ment for.  

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