
Child phyical abuse. Help needed?

by Guest59017  |  earlier

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I'm going to tell you a story about my life with my mums bf.

For a few years now I have been getting beaten up by a 42 year old man who is my mums bf. I mean not just a smack on the but, I mean full on. The time when he really went full on this is the story: he came in my room and starting swaring his head off calling me every word he could and then he grabed metel combat (Militay) boots and threw it at me and hit me on the head then he threw a few other things at me. He then came right into my room and he started kicking me in the head the side of my body and all over then he turned me around so my face was upwords and he punched me in the face and had his hand on my neck really tight he then threw me around the room and hit my head on a brick wall then he quickley got out of my room because mum hoped out of the shower. And pretty much I was crying and in pain.

I have reported this to the Police and they end up saying they can't do anything even if I have blood or bruses on me pretty much to this point now I have been told that I'm going to end up in jail for lieing to the police and calling 000 when nothings happend when there is somthing happning.

My brother is now getting bashed and we can't do anything about it. And I'm not going to the Police ever again, even if I saw somone on the street getting stabed. I don't want to go to Child safty because all there gonna do is take me out of the house and make me live somwhere else.. What I want is my mums bf kicked out of the house have a court order protecting my family and I want to stay living with my mum without my mums bf.

My mum has even been assulted herself. I know she has a order protecting her but I don't know if that means that my mums bf shouldn't be going near her. Every time I get assulted my mum don't want to hear about it because she loves her bf. They brack up after somthing bad that has happend to me and they end up getting back togeather.

My brother has told me that after a fight happens in the house and I call the Police that my mums bf thretns to kill them if they tell the truth to the Police.

Can anybody out there help me? and I don't want help from the Police. Anless they give me and my brother a protection order.




  1. after a beating like that I'm sure there would be enough evidence to have him arrested.sound to me like your adding things to the story cause your mad .there is know way ,if all that happened the cops would do nothing!!

  2. Tape him and post it on Youtube. The police will listen to you then.

  3. The only thing you can do is go to Child Protcetive  Services and report it. They are require by law  to investigate it. They may remove you from your home and place you some where else. I know that you love your mother and all. But for your own safety this may be what is best. If your mother has a protective order. That means he is not supposed to be around her.Unless she files a complaint there is nothing the police can do. The next time he beats you go to the Emergency Room at the Hospital and request treatment. Tell them what happened. They are required by law to make a report to cps and the police. This way you are not directly making the report. When these things keep happening they are going to  wounder and know you are not doing these thing to your self. Have your brother do the same thing. After a couple of time they will put two and two to gather. I hope this will help you. I am very troubled that this has been happening to you and your brother. Good Luck and may God be with you.

  4. i know u dont want 2 be removed from ur home but u and ur brothers safety is most important.u also have a responsibility 2 protect ur brother.ur mum needs help and support 2.i have worked with child protective services and foster kids b4 and have heard the same things about mothers choosing their bf over their kids.its so sad this is the case.ur mother should be taking a stand and protecting u guys.please read this book because it will show u and teach u about domestic violence and abuse....'mummys witness' by gayle sanders.Call the child abuse report line in ur area,u have the option of remaining annonymous.u cant b responsible 4 ur mums protection,she needs 2 do that,she should b protecting u.where do u live?maybe i can help in person?i really am worried

  5. Wow, I am sorry about your situation.  If you are 15 or older, I recommend running away.  Or, you can stand up to her bf and kick his A$$.  Work out at the gym as hard as you can.  Fight dirty (with objects) if you have to.

    Videotaping and gang beatings are other good ways to get him

  6. What you need to do is find an adult either in your family or a friend of the family.  Take pictures of what happens to you and your brother and send them to that person.  If an adult reports things they have seen or heard the police will listen.  You may have to let the state take you and your brother away from your mother to get her to wake up and realize she doesn't want to live that way anymore.  I am so very sorry that you are going through this and apparently alone.  I am the mother of two children and I can't imagine what I might do to someone for hurting them.  I'm afraid for you and your brother.  Try contacting on aunt or grandparent or something.  Surely someone can help you.  Maybe an old friend of your mothers or your father.  Take care.  I pray for your safety.

  7. There must be someone who can help you . Whether it's at the police station or a drop in center or even a church. Please reach out to one of those services before things become worse. It is unclear what you meant by your mother having a protective order on this man and yet still being with him. I hope for all your sake that your mother comes to her senses and rids herself and you, of him. Good luck.  

  8. I once said to my father

    "If you ever hit me again, I will wait until I am big enough, and when I am, I will come back and rip your head off your shoulders."

    He never hit me after that.

    You two need to gang up on him and give him the beating of his life, put him in hospital, THEN he will know who the daddy is. Use baseball bats. Wait until he's passed out drunk in the middle of the night and then... BAM!!!

    You can get off the hook with the law because if you are being abused you will be insane. Capeesh?

    But can I ask you something?

    Where is your father? It sounds like you need him.

  9. Tell one of your teachers your friends mums. Try tell your mum. Call child care. Stay strong.

    Good luck

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