
Child squatting on the toilet seat???

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i nanny a 6 year old girls who when she goes to the bathroom gets completely naked and squats over the toilet like a frog with one foot on each side of the toilet seat. I'm not sure if she wipes or not and she definitely doesn't wash her hands. She also refuses to shut the bathroom door.

when i discussed this with her parents they had no issue with it.

If anyone has some psych info on this please let me know.




  1. ahhhhh don't worry. My son used to get completely naked and squat. He is now a normal....can a guy be normal?...LOL....thirtysomething man, with a daughter who's only eight months....This is ok...dont worry...why they do that?..I don't know...the only thing I would do is...teach her to wash her hands after using the toilet, playing before eating, and going to the store...ohhhh the germs there ..ugh!....Her hygene is highly important...the other is ok, don't worry. Shutting the door to the bathroom at this age to me is not an issue. I prefer the door to stay open so Im not worrying if they are locking themselves in etc......P.S. I forgot the is YOUR job to make sure she is wiped and clean...thats part of being a nanny

  2. She might do that because she's constipated and she has a hard time pushing the p**p out. If she is straining to push -  her parents need to be concerned that she could end up with a rectal prolapse - it happened to my daughter.

  3. wow the mother instrutced that you not wash her hands?? What is this world coming to? Anyways I would continue to try and teach the girl how to go to the bathroom the right way and if the parents dont like it tell them that is how you do things and they can deal or you go.

  4. Interesting. I have heard of people making their children squat in public restrooms but never at home. This is most definitely needs to be broken soon. She is far too old to be doing that--needs to shut the door... WOW...sounds like you have your hands full!! Good Luck

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