
Child support, Why so high?

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I make 9.00 an hour and the state (Missouri) is making me pay $500 a month in child support plus health care ($100 a month) After $200 in taxes that leaves me with about $400 a month to pay bills.

I can't afford to live with what I pay now. Why is it so high and what can I do if anything?




  1. Umm.  No sympathy here.  If you couldn't afford to have a child, you should have kept it in your pants.  Don't blame your child.  The child's bills come WAY BEFORE yours.

  2. thats good for you, kids have to eat and live in a home rent has to be paid clothes has t be bought, get another job lol!!!!!!!!!!

    i know someone who only gets 60.00 in child support for her 3 kids a month because he has 15 other kids that all take away from his pay check also so i have no remorse, you make your bed so lay in it and pay!!!!

  3. $9 per hour equals $1560 per month.  Less 500 child support, 100 insurance, 200 taxes (800) You should have $760 left to live on.  Child support is usually based on a % of your monthly income.  Did you have an attorney representing you?  Sounds like you have more than 1 child.  Your options are to try to get a reduction, or drop out of society.  If you make more money she will probably take you back to court for more support.

  4. move out of the country.

  5. All you can do is find a higher paying job

    but don't tell them when you do the child support(if it already comes out of your check) will start to come out of your check after you get another job and if you get paid more it wont hurt so much...

    if you tell them they will want all the info and then pay stubs and when they see you make more they will take even more

    they do not care about you  

  6.    There is a standard formula for calculating child support, which can be found on your state's child support website.  Plug your income and hers into the formula and see what comes up.  If the figure you are paying is wrong, then you need to appeal to the child support division to have it adjusted.  And you are not supporting the child.  You are both supporting the child.  If you are hurting this badly, then she is hurting worse, since there are dozens of expenses that are not included in the calculations, like medical care co pays, haircuts, school field trips, clothing, toys, entertainment, birthday and Christmas gifts, music lessons, tutors, school supplies, televisions, computers, band aids, cough syrup, Kleenex, water, gas ,electricity,   Get the picture?  I know it's hard, but she has it worse.  Plus she has the added burden of always having the child, so there is no rest.

  7. Child support is determined based on a chart of income and number of children.

    You could always get a lawyer and try to fight it.

    You could also find a higher-paying job, but then you would pay more child support.

    Children are expensive. In some areas, the $500 a month won't even cover the cost of child care for one child.

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