
Child support issues?

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My ex owes 20,000.00 and is trying to lower his child support again (never showed up to 3 court hearings before that he requested) and then they threw him in jail at the last one until he came up with a few thousand dollars and he was relased hours later since he got money and now he has only paid 800 and wasnt paying for 3 months including ALL of 2005 and all of 2006 he didnt pay what will the judge do will he lower it this time if he has proof of any income? he just paid like 100 this month but thats it he owes ALOT more and it's ongoing child support the 20 grand is arrears




  1. Nope, hes going to lose big time if he appears in court. Once ordered, the Jude doesnt care how he comes up with the money just as long as he pays it and with that much arrearage, he wont stand a chance in court so dont worry here about anything except how youll get you money

  2. Are you going through family court to get your money? Normally the amt owed in child support if its going through family court it is automatically deducted from his paycheck before he is even paid. You may want to look into that. As far as back child support they may throw him in jail over and over and over again. I would have it set up so it comes directly to you from his check and that way you dont have to worry about it your kid(s) get his money before he does.

  3. In the case of a parent that *can* work to support his (or her) kids, but *won't*, the judge can impute income. That means that they say "I know you can earn XX amount of money a month, so we'll base child support on that."

    What you can do to help is to try to prove he can work, and for a decent pay. So if you have his resume, or list of past jobs, or stubs from old paychecks, bring them. Also, go online and find local current job postings that he can do, and bring in the printouts. That will show that jobs are available, and hopefully the prevailing wage.

    But you can't get blood from a turnip, and if he won't pay, he won't pay. My ex also owes me in the 20,000 range, but I don't ever expect to see it. On the other hand, since he isn't sucking money away to support his expensive habits, I'm still doing better than I was.

  4. Seems your ex is a loser and will not take responsibility for his child/children.  I doubt you will ever see the back child support.  Just keep working with the child support agency and do what you can to make him stay current at least.  You can only rely on yourself it seems.  

  5. Perhaps the reason he is asking the court to lower his child support is so that he can afford to pay you?  It's better to receive some financial aid then nothing at all.  Best to just take full responsibility for your child financially and be grateful for whatever you receive.  Kids are not excuses to receive payment.  Good luck.

  6. My ex owes us over 35 THOUSAND DOLLARS so good luck to you.

    Funny thing is, if "I" don't take care of my sons, the state takes them away but HE can just walk away and not look back!

    Thank the GOOD LORD for my current husband of 6 years.  He cares for my sons as if they were his own.
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