
Child support scenarios...

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I have 2 child support questions I need help with. Both cases are in New York State, although in different counties.

Case #1: Child is 18 and just beginning community college at the end of the month. Child shares costs of an apartment near school with 2 friends.Child works part time and his mother turns over all child support money she receives each month to him to help with his living expenses. Can the father stop paying support?

Case #2: Child is 19. He works full time but still lives with his mother. His mother charges him rent to live in her home. Mother is recieving about $300 in child support from father. Can the father stop paying support?





  1. Case #1- "child" is still in school so father still pays child support.

    Case#2- "child" is NOT in school, working full time, does NOT recive child support.

  2. I think both depend on your original divorce decree.

    For me, in CA, my son get s child support until he is 18 if he does not conitnue full-time schooling. If he contiinues on with full-time school (whether at a community college or University) he gets support until he is 21 - whether he lives at home or on his own.

    This is documented in our I suggest you check your documents and then contact your lawyer with further questions.

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