
Child volunteer?

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does anyone know of any places a 13 year old can volunteer with animals in pa? thanks for the help




  1. If you can't volunteer *with* animals because of your age, you can certainly volunteer on their behalf: make sure all your online profiles (MySpace, FaceBook, etc.) link to animal welfare organizations, like the ASPCA, the Humane Society, etc. Sign up for email newsletters from animal welfare groups and use what your learn to make regular posts to your online profiles: about the importance of spaying and neutering your pet, statistics on how many adoptable, healthy dogs and cats are put to sleep every year because of pet over-population, discourage people from buying pets from pet stores, etc.

    If you do this then, by the time you are old enough to volunteer with an animal welfare organization, they are going to be VERY happy to have you, because you will be well-versed in animal issues.

  2. Go to your local Humane Society, I'm assuming there's one in the area around you ~ I volunteered there when I was 13 or 14.

  3. in the US, no one under tha age of 16 is allowed to volunteer with animas. i wanted to help at the animal shelter when i was 15, and they told me the law.

  4. I've looked into this in California and pretty much all animal shelters and zoos have a minimum age of 15 or 16 years old.

    It's very difficult to find volunteer opportunities for kids under 15 or so.

    I would suggest free dog walking or pet sitting, something they can do themselves and not rely on other orgs.
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