
Childless men?

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Do you find yourself discriminated against by men who are fathers?




  1. In some ways yes.  I once had a boss who thought he could require more overtime out of me than the workers who had children.  Anything a single childless guy like myself did with his free time was automatically frivolous in his eyes.  Personell didn't see it that way.  After  they reviewed my grievance I started getting every other weekend off and the same clock out times as every one else in the department.

    I can't help but notice that many refer to  you as a "boy" even though  you are an independent adult until you've fathered something.

  2. I do find myself discriminated against by women who are mothers. Just because I don't have kids doesn't mean I don't also have bills to pay or appointments on my schedule. It's annoying. Having children, is that how I'm supposed to prove myself or something??

    edit:  and yeah, i love how they want me to babysit all the time, as if i have alllll this free time on my hands, like i just adore kids because i don't have any of my own.

  3. I really don't care what others say. I have successfully squashed my ego to a almost non-existent state.

  4. No, only ridiculed when I wont take the little rug rat off their hands for a while.

  5. Dude, I can't even imagine that.. if you're being discriminated against it's probably because the other guys are jealous!

    They miss having their freedom!

    (And for the guy who said people think it's strange he has no kids at 27 - WT%? Are you serious. In my humble opine..27 is waaayyyy toooo young for a man to be a dad, most don't even have their youth out of their system yet. I'd say somewhere in the mid 30s for the majority - like I said just my useless opinion, but don't let anyone think you're off track. You be true to yourself. )

  6. I use to be, they had the notion, of saying your not a real man. I always say it takes one to no one. Some even think your impotent, g*y, or a coward. I already know that they're really not happy, with their mistake(s).

  7. Men who demonstrate a strong character and are good fathers are hot. They can afford to be picky. additionally if your w woman who doesn't have a strong maternal instinct then I can see why you would be over looked.

  8. No, not that I can think of.

    But mothers have said that the thought it was "weird" that at age 27 I do not yet have children. I suspect it's their own insecurity about having kids and divorcing so young. I want to be prepared for fatherhood and I do not believe I am yet ready.
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