
China adoption websites?

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Are there any websites for china adoption that show the child waiting for adoption?




  1. You may find these interesting:

  2. China adoptions are very regulated.  The adoption process for a "non special need child" is where you work with an agency, submit paperwork and wait to be "matched" to a child.  The wait is in excess of several years right now.

    There are "special needs" children in China and some adoption agencies that work with China have photos and summaries.  Special needs are primarily physical special needs, and you would need to be approved by China to adopt them as well.

    I would recommend searching for adoption agencies working with China and connect with them with your questions.

    China is pretty stringent about who adopts now (no singles, not over a certain bodyweight, some medications restrict you...)

    good luck

  3. No, there aren't any web sites that show "waiting children" from China.

    The only way to adopt a waiting child from China is to have an approved home-study with a reputable agency and have a dossier logged into the CCAI, only then will you receive information about waiting children.

    A waiting child is typically an older child and/or a child with special needs that can be physical or behavioral.  Some special needs are minor, some are not. You will need to consider this if you are looking to adopt a waiting child.

  4. Not that i know of.

    For the most part, the Chinese Government will assign you a child if you're approved. You don't really have a say as to what child you will take home.

    Watch the documentary "China's Lost Girls"

    there's about 3 or 4 families that go to China, and it follows the process somewhat.


    good luck

  6. None I know of. I'm waiting for a healthy baby and its taking forever.

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