
China nuclear dollar stratedgy?

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Okay this sucks what does this mean will happen if they actually use this. Basically China threatens to dump our currency if we do not let them do what they want and if we do what they don't want us to do. Basically our greenback is worthless. Economy shot and time to move to England or Dubia and yes this is very probable it will not hurt China as much as it will us and give it a couple of years they wont care by then they will be making enough domestic consumer sales so it will not hurt them. China is the pimp and WE are the WHORES and our government has failed us. Should i move is my question

here is where it is




  1. Only if you have given up on America, which it sounds like you may have already done.

    But to address your point:  China would not do this because it actually would hurt them as much as it would hurt us.  You read an article saying china could do it and you accept it as gospel truth and want to move to Dubai.  Good riddance.

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