
Chinese table manners

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I heard a while ago that for the Chinese, it was good manners to finish everything on your plate, that nothing should be wasted, especially rice. A couple days ago, I heard about how they taught the American Olympians about Chinese customs and a guy said that they were told it was bad manners to leave nothing on your plate because that would mean they weren't fed enough, and that would be insulting to the Chinese.

What are the true Chinese table manners?




  1. First of all, What table manners? Have you ever seen Chinese people eat? Your Avatar looks Asian so I'll assume you have, rice bowls pressed to the mouth and chopsticks used in a shoveling motion to cram as much food as fast as you can into your mouth, it's disgusting. Then you have the community table usually with a rotating center (for a large family) where it's pick and grab if you want to get some before it's done. Hey it's their culture I'm understanding of that it is their way Grasshopper, but when I eat Chinese I don't bring the plate to my mouth and stuff my face that is not the Western way. Yes I've heard that saying about if you finish all that's served to you it's an insult because it implies you may still be hungry but I was raised to always finish everything on your plate or no dessert and also the ever popular, "There's staving people in Africa so eat your peas". If leaving a bit of rice is going to make my host happy what the heck I can bend Mamma's rule this one time as for Chinese table manners I still say What manners?

  2. I have spend quite a bit of time in China and typically, most people leave a little on their plate to indicate that they are full. The old adage about eating everything on your plate because people in China are starving is an old American saying and look where it's got us...

  3. Its also polite to burp after a meal, it shows you are satisfied.

  4. Finishing everything on your plate is a sign you are still hungry and want more. Leaving a small amopunt is a sign you are full and enjoyed the meal.  

  5. erm well I have to agree with Mr P to a certain extent because I live in Asia and the Chinese table manners I see are usually to eat as much as you can, as fast as you can, preferably with your mouth open whilst chewing and to make as much mess on the table as possible and then pick your teeth (or sometimes your feet!)

    Although to be fair - this is at the hawker centre (cheap, open air food centre) and if you go to a nice restaurant, people are generally better behaved, although they do still leave a mess on the table.  But I've heard the leaving a bit of food rule too (oh, and never leave your chopsticks sticking out of the bowl because it is a sign for death or something - you're supposed to rest them across the bowl so that they are balanced on two edges).

  6. I don't think it applies now. You may finish your food on your bowl or plate.  

  7. it's actually an insult to finish all of the food on ur plate.
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