
Chlidren problems??

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i have two daughters and one is in 6th other in 7th and they are very devopled for their age 11 and 12 my 11 year old is a c32 and my 12 year old d34 they arent overweight or anything but would they have back problems




  1. it's possible, get them GOOD BRA"S IF you had any concerns about it you could check with your Dr.

  2. If they gain weight they will.  At the sizes they are I doubt they will have problems.  They really aren't all that big for that age.  I was a 38C when In entered high school and as I did they.  I had a reduction years ago not because of back problems but because they were just too big for me.

  3. discuss your concerns with their pediatrician.  keep your thoughts to yourself, offer only healthy foods in the home, get rid of the TV, and refrain from giving them poor self images.

  4. no, it happens and it's a good thing.
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