
Chocolate cake - falling apart?

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i have just finished baking a lightening mcqueen chocolate cake. my dilemma is that when i turned the cake out of tin the face of mcqueen is stuck in tin. Have i overcook, undercooked or simply not grease the tin enough. any suggest welcome.

ps first time cook attempting to make birthday cake!




  1. Not enough grease

  2. It could be either! If it is too dry (overcooked) then his face would sort of crumble off. If it is sticky, then it is undercooked. And if it is neither, it could be not greased enough!

    I know that isnt helpful, but without looking at it, it is hard to tell!

    Can you just fix it with icing? Does it get iced?  

  3. i think you should try again, but spray the whole inside of the pan with Pam- and buy a betty crocker cake mix if necessary- they are pretty good for beginners. then when it is cooked, let it sit on a cooling rack till it is completely cool before trying to get it out of the pan. when you try and get it out of the pan,run a knife around the outside of the pans edges to make sure they are loose, then put something on the cake side of the pan, either a large plate or a tray, hold it firmly in place, and then gently turn the cake pan upside down. that way, if the cake starts to come out of the pan, it will just be on the plate or tray or whatever you placed there. then gently tap the pan with the handle of a knife to loosen the cake, and then slowly lift the pan up. if you notice it is sticking, put the pan back on the cake and tap the pan again with the knife. it should work this time.

  4. It cooled in the pan to long and the shortening  hardened and caused the cake to stick.  If a cake does not turn out of the pan, you should put the pan back into the oven just long enough to melt the shortening.  It should drop right out of the pan assuming that the pan had been properly greased and floured.

    I always add one extra egg to my cakes.  It helps the cake to hold together and they don't crumble as easily.

    Good Luck!

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